Chereads / Reaper system in another world / Chapter 98 - Mortis' prayer and Lumina's answer

Chapter 98 - Mortis' prayer and Lumina's answer

Mortis knelt down again and began to pray: "Oh Lumina, my beautiful goddess who can enchant with her curves alone. I miss the sight of you and the smell of you around me. Call me a selfish bastard who can't do without you, but how I would love to have you with me, my oh so dear darling. That you hear me, I send you this prayer, so my darling won't miss me. How I wish I had you with me, even though I have a request, my missing you is real."

A portal opened and Lumina stepped through with red skulls, but when she heard Mortis praying, she stopped. Mortis stood up smiling and embraced his shy goddess, who tried to hide her embarrassment in his embrace. The dwarf was shocked to see a god come into a hole just because this man prayed once. The goddess was also shocked to see the dwarf woman.

Before Mortis could even say anything, Lumina pinched him in the side, cursing and blaming him. She asked him if he had only called her to justify his behavior. Mortis didn't understand what she meant at first, until he turned around and saw the dwarf woman. He quickly apologized to Lumina and explained that he had done nothing but save the dwarf girl and two other people. He just wanted to see them and ask how they could get everything out of the cave before others came and stole his treasures. Why had the dwarf woman returned, he asked. "I couldn't believe you were able to clear the cave with those three spirits," said the nervous dwarf.

Lumina believed both of them and calmed down. She looked at the dwarf more closely and then asked, "From the looks of it, you are an anomaly. Is that why you left your clan and are with the humans?" Mortis asked confused, "What do you mean she is an anomaly?" It was obvious that dwarves had dark hair and rather dark complexions, but the dwarf girl had silver hair and bright orange eyes, more like a light alb.

Lumina nodded in agreement. "Yes, I've heard of cases like that. They're called light dwarves. They are very rare, but when they are born, they usually have a special gift or ability."

The dwarf looked at the goddess in amazement. "What do you mean, a special gift?"

Lumina smiled. "Yes, for example, some light dwarves have the gift of healing or can handle light spells. But it varies from individual to individual."

Mortis was also impressed. "That's really interesting. But now what do we do with the cave and the treasures we found?"

Lumina pondered for a moment. "I think it would be best if we divide the treasures and share them with the other inhabitants. We shouldn't benefit from it alone, but it should benefit everyone."

"I think so too, but most of all my county should benefit," Mortis said. "But I can't very well transport the cave, can I?"

"Ridiculous," Lumina countered. "But you could ask me for a favor and I'll send a portal for workers from Bamberg here and back. But it will cost you."

"Oh, and what does it cost?" asked Mortis as he approached Lumina, gently squeezed her to him, leaned down and gave her a kiss.

In the meantime, port back and assemble with the other workers. Come with me, it's too dangerous here for pretty women like you. There is a particularly dangerous animal here," she then said to the dwarf woman.

Mortis pretended to overhear the last and headed off to support his attack squad so they could deal with the enemies faster.

As Mortis was on his way, the dwarfess followed Lumina through the portal and was surprised when she was suddenly in a human castle and a little girl was coming towards them both. "You're finally back," Zara said, jumping into Lumina's arms. When Zara detached herself again, she immediately asked the dwarf if she was also a rescued child of Uncle Mortis and what her name was. "My name is Edna and no, I am not a child. I am a dwarf, but I was saved anyway," Edna replied. "What is a dwarf?" asked Zara curiously. "We are a race of rather small people who live in mountains, while you humans are larger and tend to inhabit fields and valleys. I am what you see," Edna explained patiently.

By the time Mortis reached his companions, he saw the end of the floor and was pleased that his spirits were doing so well and that they were so adaptive. But Mortis didn't know how fast Lumina was. So now he interfered much more intensively in the fight, so that this hell could be cleared quickly. After another 20 minutes, the floor was cleared and all his spirits rose tremendously. It was still a ways to him in terms of level, but it was steeply uphill.

When he thought that hell had been cleared, Mortis saw a huge gate at the end of the floor, decorated with runes. Mortis wondered a bit because it looked like he was in a dungeon, but he definitely wasn't. So Mortis quickly went to the gate and slowly opened it to see a huge lizard surrounded by eggs.

"Hmm, that's not a dragon, but it looks similar to the lurker from Gothic, except it's black like the other bastards. But this one, oddly enough, also walks on four legs. What is it?" asked Mortis.

The system replied, "It's a subspecies of the Black Dragon, and it seems it's taking a nap here. But be careful, this creature can also breathe fire and do magic, even if it doesn't seem intelligent. It's not stupid, after all, it's a dragon subspecies."

Mortis was almost unstoppable with joy and ran towards the lurker to land the first blow. But the creature was awake, turned in a flash, and struck with its tail, catapulting Mortis back toward the entrance. The attack squad arrived immediately, with Marshal immediately using an ability to draw the creature's attention. But no sooner did he have its attention than the lurker spat fire. As Marshal held up his shield for protection, Mino jumped in front of him and intercepted the stream of fire. Meanwhile, Mortis and Sarah attacked the lurker from the side. The creature was huge, so they could only aim for the legs, but getting through the scales was not easy.

Mortis reasoned that he would have to build up enough pressure to hurt the creature internally if he couldn't actually cut it. So he kept hitting harder and harder on a particular spot, which was not easy, because after a few blows the lurker always turned right around to him and tried to bite him or burn him with fire. But Mortis was nimble and simply turned the boss to the tank, while he disappeared behind it, and then hit the lurker again from the side.

After some time, Mortis realized that they lacked healing and that his spirits wouldn't last long. Even though he would have liked to get it done without many skills, he now used everything he had to end this fight quickly. He didn't want to take the risk of one of his companions being defeated just to flatter his ego.

The boss went into a frenzy and Mortis sent his spirits back into the sea of souls as the boss spat out a blue flame that filled the entire room. But Mortis managed to jump on the lurker and now tried to split its skull. Using his scythe and all the abilities that strengthened him, he kept hitting the boss until it didn't make a sound. Mortis received a message from the system that he had advanced a level and that he could distribute 10 SP. He immediately put this into agility.

As soon as the cave was cleaned, a big portal opened and Lumina came out with the dwarf. They went to Mortis and pointed to the portal. At that moment, about 100 workers arrived, including furriers, miners, cooks, and anyone else who could handle bones and scales. They were happy to be able to work such a big boss and were eager to see what benefits this would bring to their city.

Mortis, Level 61 Reaper

Strength: 200 Agility: 260 Intelligence: 70 Vitality: 100 Stamina: 100 Mana: 101 Charisma: 65

Souls: 76230