Chereads / Reaper system in another world / Chapter 75 - Servants gossip and meeting old friends

Chapter 75 - Servants gossip and meeting old friends

"Mortis woke up to a knock at the door. He got up and went to the door to see who was waking him up. It was Zara, who asked him if she could go to town with Nora and Lumina. Mortis wondered, but agreed and gave Zara 20 gold so that she and Nora could buy something. The girl wondered about the money, as she couldn't estimate the value, but at least they could get something with her friend.

Mortis closed the door again and packed his things, as he wanted to go to the bathroom. He considered waking Valeria, but she slept like a rock, so he let her sleep and made his way to the bathroom. When the servants saw Mortis going to the bathroom, they immediately brought water and other things to heat the bathtub. Mortis was delighted with his servants, he didn't even have to say anything and they acted on their own. But there was something he didn't like: they looked at him as if he were fresh meat on two legs. Mortis didn't realize it, but everyone had heard about the incident yesterday except the two girls, and that was only because Lumina had erected a soundproofing spell around their room. The little perverted goddess had even watched everything that happened with hair precision.

After a long bath, he went to breakfast in the dining room where all the other women were gathered. "I thought you were going to town?" asked Mortis in amazement of Lumina. But it was only after breakfast that she confessed with a grin that she had sent Zara on purpose to annoy him. Marina and Leonie couldn't even look Mortis in the eye, Helga, who was also sitting at the table, had somewhat puffy cheeks, and Kathrin just looked at him curiously. Wanting to mend his ways, he gave each of his wives a kiss and sat down at the end of the table.

After breakfast, Mortis talked to Leonie and Marina some more to go over the planning of the town with them, and then he went to talk to Helga about having a servant come to get the breast milk she needed to get rid of. Helga said that she already knew that, because the servant had come early and she had let Kathrin milk her. She also secreted so much milk that he should show up again in the evening to get the next load. Mortis asked her shyly and cautiously if she was doing well, too. She nodded and said, "It's better this way. I want them to be all right, but I don't want to see them for now. After all, they are from that terrible man." Mortis took them in her arms and said, "Education makes most of it. They'll be good kids, after all, they have great parents and they got something from you too. So they'll be fine.

After settling everything and finding that Helga was in good shape, Mortis went to the kitchen to stock up on provisions for the next trip. When he entered the kitchen, it suddenly became quiet and everyone stared at him like a rare animal. Mortis took his food and continued walking while there was whispering in the background. When he stopped and turned around, everyone froze again. This surprised Mortis, but he just kept walking, wondering what was going on.

When he reached the main hall, Mortis saw Valeria slowly descending the stairs and all the servants staring at her like a heroine. Mortis realized that they had heard what had happened yesterday. He wanted to help her and offered to take her to the bathroom, but she just looked at him angrily and hissed, "Everything hurts me because of you. Go away!" Mortis smiled happily and then tried to find Kathrin to get on better with her.

Kathrin was out on the range, piercing several targets with arrows. Mortis watched curiously and was amazed at her marksmanship. You wouldn't have guessed she could be so focused, being more of a tomboy. As she was about to aim the next arrow, Mortis sneaked up behind her and blew lightly in her ear. She was startled and missed the target. Then she turned around and saw Mortis, but immediately became embarrassed. Mortis found this very cute, thinking that she was more likely to argue or hit him lightly. "What do you want?" she asked nervously while looking at him with her blue eyes. "Nothing," Mortis said and lifted her up. He jumped on the castle wall with her to talk to her calmly and give her some time.

Katrin leaned against Mortis and didn't know what to say. She was starting to get nervous. But Mortis just hugged her and held her tightly while he looked at his city in front of him.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Katrin.

"Anything you want," Mortis replied.

"Would you mind if I told you that I don't want to wait until the wedding either and also get a program like Valeria?"

Mortis thought he hadn't heard right, and almost choked on his own saliva. But he was also glad he did, because it showed that his wives really appreciated his closeness.

"Today is a bad day, I'm afraid, because I was planning to leave after noon. But how about I come over before my appointment and we take two days just for us?" asked Mortis. Katrin became happy and full of anticipation.

Before noon Lumina came with the two children, who were happy as if it was Easter and Christmas in one day. Lumina had stocked the children with new clothes and Zara had bought many sweets for Nora and herself with Mortis' gold. In the castle room they showed everything to the women and Mortis, receiving much praise and appreciation.

"How beautiful the things are and how good they look on them!" the women remarked.

Lumina took the opportunity to whisper to Mortis, "What are you going to do with those two anyway? They can't very well be your children."

"Excuse me? No, of course they can't. If they see me as an uncle or brother, that's enough. But I plan to have a school built. I think everyone should get education. I think that actually everyone can become an adventurer, but the basic values are not enough for many, because they lack the foundation. So I want to create those and I want that to be the same for the girls. They should learn arithmetic and reading, do sports and try different things. And what they are good at, they should do. If one is good at cleaning and cooking, she should become a servant. If one is smart and wants to be a mage, that's fine too. We need to train them and then let them choose."

Valeria just came into the dining room as she had finished bathing but she was still walking like an old woman which made many people smile but most of all Lumina laughed and stood up to help Valeria so that's how it should look like actually she said quietly to her it seems you gave it your all and slapped her lightly on the butt. Valeria made a leap forward because her butt was hurting. Most of the people didn't understand what was going on, but when they saw Valeria jumping almost 2 meters like an old woman, the room broke into laughter. Everyone took a seat and a few seconds later the staff came in with food.

After the meal Mortis took off his clothes and slipped into his armor. He said goodbye to his wives in a long and emotional way and enjoyed kissing Valeria softly on the mouth, although she didn't look like she was putting on a show. The other women enjoyed the cuddle session even more.

Mortis made his way to the church, using the amulet to get to a graveyard that was close to the quest and thus the upcoming battle. He traveled far to the southwest, where he had cleaned the last graveyard, and therefore did not have far to go to Erfurt, where he was immediately intercepted on his way to the Adventurers' Guild by Merlin, the wizard he had met at the last battle and with whom he had formed a sort of friendship."Mortis, how are you? Let me ask you something, why do I only see you at battles? Away from danger would be something too. You could have visited me sometime, my mom is a really good cook," Merlin said.

"It's good to see you. Yeah, old house. You know how it is as an adventurer, always on the move," Mortis replied happily. "Yes, or become a count and build yourself a harem right away, boy. You know Bamberg is not far from Bayreuth, you hero of this battlefield," Mortis said, joyfully slapping Merlin on the shoulder. Mortis immediately covered Merlin's mouth. "Be quiet, I don't want anyone to know. I want my peace when I travel," Mortis whispered through his teeth. "Oops," Merlin whispered back, but it was too late as the entire guild was filled and Mortis stood out like a colorful dog due to his unique appearance. He was met immediately after the conversation by knights who asked him to accompany them to the Count of Erfurt and the Countess of Eisenach, as well as the barons involved in this battle. Merlin was uncomfortable to have put Mortis in this situation, but Mortis put him in a headlock and dragged him along, which surprised the knights, but they thought that Merlin is simply a servant and is forced by Mortis to go along. In the castle of the Count of Erfurt, Mortis was announced, which surprised many, since he had not come forward to participate in this battle. But any nobleman was welcome in such a situation. When Mortis entered the great throne room, he was again stared at like a special specimen, but he was used to that, because the only one it made uncomfortable was Merlin, whom Mortis let go just before entering, so he had to follow him.

Count Werner of Erfurt stood on his throne and extended his hand to Mortis, as did Countess Martina of Eisenach. They were very pleased to see the young count join the battle, even though he is still on probation, so to speak. Nevertheless, he has a reputation as a hero. Before Mortis could even get a word in edgewise, a tall man stood up and laughed loudly. Then he said, "If it isn't the Kanbe I'm still waiting to see!" Mortis immediately recognized the voice and was right - it was Baron William von Bernstein, who came up to him and gave him two slaps on the shoulder. "Boy, you're really getting stronger fast, kudos! I was beginning to think I'd find you here. Even though you're not a warrior, you have the heart of a true warrior, always looking for great battles," said the Baron, laughing in his deep bear voice.