Chereads / Reaper system in another world / Chapter 67 - A father cares for his daughter

Chapter 67 - A father cares for his daughter

After transforming this graveyard, Mortis took a little nap when he opened his eyes and received a message.

° Ability was unlocked by reaching level 45. Fog trail was learned. You can target an enemy with this ability, which connects them to a mist that makes them move 100% faster and increases their attack power by 60%. This ability lasts 10 seconds and can be activated every 30 seconds. Cost 20 mana.°

"This ability sounds handy so I can charge at enemies more easily and make them regret getting in my way." With an evil grin, Mortis set off for the nearest graveyard, it was the middle of the night and it would take him about 2 days to give birth to Helgas before he could finish this area and get closer to Aachen.

Mortis was about 3 kilometers away from the cemetery when he got a queasy feeling that he was being watched, so he grabbed his scythe and turned around to see who was following him and what their destination was.

I think he has noticed us. Said the 1st voice, "Oh, nonsense, he probably just sees an animal, we are 2 kilometers away from him and we are in the shadows," said the 2nd voice. Look, he is looking right at us as if his silver eyes are looking into our souls. Said the second voice. This is the first time you might wish that such a handsome man could look through your clothes, but don't be mad, said voice 1. Look, he's coming towards us, said voice 3 in a shaky voice. Shit. Why is this fucker so fast? Quick out of the shadows and crawl to the ground I don't want to end up like the bandit leader or the baron.

"What's wrong with you guys? First you chase me, but as soon as I come to you, you kneel down as if you worship me. I'm not a monster, I just wanted to ask you what you want. And only if I didn't like your answer I would have blown out your light but this is no fun. So what do you want and why are you following me?"

The second voice says. Lord we are servants of Tenebris the Good God of Darkness and Shadow we were supposed to escort them from our deity to our temple but we didn't know when to approach them when we found them they had just massacred apostates of our faith so we didn't know when was the right time to approach them Lord.

"I understand and now take that stick out of your ass I am not a fan of subservience you can just call me Mortis so first tell me what your name is and then where this temple is I have plans."

My name is Pablo said the 2nd voice. My name is Alejandro said the 1st voice. My name is Valeria said the 3rd voice nervously.

Valeria was tall for a woman with raven black hair and green eyes like jade she has a sharp look and fiery red lips with a large bust and a fabulous hourglass figure she has slightly darker skin. Mortis was immediately enthusiastic about her but not only her beauty attracted him although he liked to fall immediately over the Latina something else drew him to her and he did not know what it was but let it happen and so he approached the young girl and reached out to her cheek which made the other 2 men nervous because Valeria does not like to be touched but she let it happen and also looked at Mortis with big eyes. Then Mortis said. "I don't know what it is but something draws me to you and it's not your beauty even if you are a 20 out of 1/10 but something is different about you.

Valeria shook her head and then slapped his hand away but said nothing but turned away from him. Mortis was startled and took 2 steps back, not realizing why he was doing this, but it wasn't normally his style to be so pushy, so he cleared his throat and looked at Pablo and said coolly as if nothing was happening. "So take me to your temple, I'm in a hurry."

Pablo and Alejandro just nodded disturbingly because Valeria had already beaten up others when some men just looked at her but this man could just touch her and stare at her all he wanted, they thought the world was unfair but they swallowed their protests and went southeast and asked Mortis to follow them.

The group was quick on their feet because all three of them were assassins, but Mortis was in no way inferior to them. On the contrary, if he wanted to, he could have just left them there if he knew where the temple of this Tenebris was.

After 5 hours they reached a city called Eisenach, a large city run by Countess Martina, who is said to be a proud and strong shadow priestess whose husband unfortunately died in his youth but she refused to marry again because she said she would never be able to love a man so much again and in 4 years they had 3 children to prove it.

Valeria was the one who told Mortis about the Countess, he didn't know why but either she liked the Countess because she was strong or she could only love once and only wanted this man. Mortis knew that the Countess was just as stupid as he was in his former life and so he didn't find this topic romantic nor did it show that the woman was stable but Mortis knew that this woman was only hostaging herself and fooling herself. The with the children well what should he think they were in love and were in bed probably very fond of each other when he has more time but he will also let it crack he took from this story.

The temple was made of black marble and black slopes with luminous dots in the stone which looked like looking into the sky filled with stars. Mortis was impressed by this temple as it even seemed warm instead of cold as one would expect.

In the lower part of the temple were statues of all the gods and one floor up was an image of Tenebris. Tenebris was an agile young man with white eyes who looked through the shadows themselves, but he was also dressed in a robe which probably indicates that the shadow priests as well as the assassins come from him.

When Mortis stood in front of the statue of Tenebris the whole room went black and Mortis stood in the center which scared him so he drew his weapon and turned to prevent an attack but the darkness gave way and there was a table with 2 chairs in the middle of the room and the table was covered with delicious food and tea.

Footsteps sounded and a young man stepped out of the darkness and the young man grinned and said. Sit down, we have something to talk about and put your weapon away for me you are not ready anyway. Mortis nodded and put the gun in his ring, then pulled up a chair and sat down, curious to see what this god wanted from him.

I knew that my daughter would find you, after all, divine beings always find each other whether they want to or not, but you should have noticed that, after all, it didn't take much for her to fall upon you. Said Tenebris and laughed out loud.

"Your daughter? So this Valeria is your daughter? But I am not a demigod and I have nothing divine about me.

What are you saying? Can't you feel your own divinity? I don't know what you are, but you have so much divinity in you that you are more than a simple demigod, you are almost equal to us, even though you are a mortal, and the strange thing is that you just show up and you are not born that way.

"I don't have an answer, but I do have a question. I don't know why, but demigods always attract each other and it's as if they were meant for each other. You will always find each other after today whether you like it or not but there is a problem but you are my only solution.

"Ok, good that you answer my question without me asking it. But what am I supposed to be the solution to? It's simple, I know about Jasmine and also my daughter is into women but normally I would have to kill them both but even though we have many gods many children with humans and other beings I love all my children and I don't want to kill them or see them killed by anyone. I wanted to send her to another demigod because the divine mating pushes every other instinct into the shadows so I would have saved her but even if she gives birth to children the case that she finds one of her own and tries to find happiness is her death sentence.

"So you want me to put her together with Jasmine and hide her at my place? You can forget it, I won't sacrifice my women for these two, I already told Jasmine." Don't pretend you know what I mean, they will be your wives and they can love each other but they should bear you children so there will be no rumors and if they have faithful servants no one will know.

"I wanted Jasmine to have sex with another man, but I didn't even know how to teach her, because this is perverse on many levels. I also don't want to be just a stud."

But you are, because Valeria won't be able to control herself for a long time, just as you won't, and only when she's pregnant she'll let go of her urge for 2 years. So she will give you a lot of children and the other one should too because a count who doesn't manage to impregnate all his wives is considered weak no matter how strong he is. My wife Venena the goddess of poisons and potions has created a potion to save my daughter and another person because normally this is a sin and these people are persecuted more and more so she has created a potion that makes them immune to the finding potion so now it is up to you.

"I'm a man, I don't always need feelings to put me away, and they're not ugly, but they should keep it to themselves and have respect from my other women, and best of all act well all their lives so that it looks like they love me, not that my other women are in danger. Oh and one more thing. What are you offering me? Nothing is free, even death is paid with life."

Isn't my beautiful daughter and 100% healthy children enough? "Good joke, I want you to provide my other wives with potions and equipment, don't give me some milkmaid's bill, after all I have your daughter now for life on my back as well as the other one although I wanted to give her to Merlin and since your wife is the master there 5 plus 10 potions would be appropriate."

You probably want to kill me boy my wife is already pissed that I take care of my children I have with other peoples. "Then I'll have to go to her temple and demand the potions." Alright I will get all the potions and also this +10 potion for all your wives but please don't go to their temple to talk about my children. "Well then I'll take your daughter with me on my travels she seems to be strong so I can take her with me and she can later take care of my women and their training oh yes and remove the statue of Osmirnis because after 2 graveyards it will shatter into 1000 pieces anyway".