Just as the elf was about to answer, a large club flew up and made soup out of the elf's soul, and then a voice as deep as a coal and smoke inhaled for centuries was heard. Who dares to release a soul from its spell and create chaos here?
When Mortis was a bit startled, he quickly regained his composure and at that moment a giant jumped in front of him with a hump and a face as if he had been burned, but Mortis simply looked at the soup in front of him and then up to look the 5 meter guy in the face. The giant snorted and grumbled into his beard. You're no fun at all young the other examinees have truly pissed themselves or shot their sockets full. But I wonder who is more dead, the souls here or you? Anyway come on the next test is waiting follow me. Mortis followed while looking at the soup that reassembled and formed the Elf, who continued as before as if she had never seen Mortis.
In front of a cave the giant stood and pointed to the entrance afterwards he said. Here is your next test, it doesn't demand anything from you physically, but here is hell and believe me you will have a hell of a time in it, so go in. Mortis went inside and after a few meters he found himself at the end of the cave but as soon as he reached the end a red magic circle lit up underneath him and the next thing Mortis saw was his body falling to the ground and he was just a soul. Before Mortis could be shocked or show any emotion he just heard a voice saying have fun with the test of sins you will die 100 deaths and experience what the souls in this hell have done to deserve their place.
Mortis opened his eyes and found himself in a new world in another body and yet he could only watch even though he felt everything the person was doing. The first was a priest who lived to exploit the faithful and secretly grabbed women of the faithful and lured them with expensive gifts and took the money from the donors. When the men in the village noticed this, they secretly killed him and beat him to death with clubs, which Mortis witnessed, as well as the remorse that the priest received and also how death slowly occurs. The 2nd was a cult leader who created a false god and stripped the believers down to the last shirt and took everything from them, who was later poisoned.
About the 90th dead was the Elbe to see Mortis as a soul she and her comrades have killed the child of the High Priestess to blame it on another faith and so to start a war. When Mortis saw this, he knew that this bitch was in the wrong hell, but he would bring her to the right one.
The 100 was someone who was mutilated beyond recognition because he betrayed his faith and poisoned almost everyone from different monasteries and other intuitions, killing almost all the followers and sewing the corpses together into a big picture of a demon.
Mortis opened his eyes and was in the cave in his body which he gladly received and was really happy so he immediately felt himself because he was happy to be back. But his joy vanished quickly because he could have been shown the things without him having to experience how they die but this was hell and here he would not be taught any lessons in a friendly way. But what should he learn he asked himself when he thought about what he had seen. So he sat down because he was very tired anyway and thought about what this test could bring him but he did not do that for long because he fell asleep after a few moments.
A deep voice entered the cave which woke Mortis up it was the giant who wondered if Mortis was going mad or was not finished yet so the giant looked to see if an answer would come or if he would hear something else like a mad laughter but to his surprise Mortis only came out of the cave in a bad mood because he was woken up.
The giant was disappointed again because Mortis didn't make a face and looked like he was going into the cave because the giant became curious and asked. Did you even take the exam? Yes, I did, but I don't understand what it's supposed to do for me. Why did I have to experience the death of torturers, murderers and whoremongers 100 times? It's obvious that when you collect souls as a servant of a god of the dead, you also see their sins and that should get you used to it. Said the giant. "Oh, and why did I have to see them die?" Oh, that's just the small bonus of hell, after all, we dark forces don't give anything for free, and if we have to train you, then we should do it properly. "I understand but a question which idiot is responsible for which hell a soul is put into?
The ones who end up here are the ones sent here by their gods, otherwise there are demons and a king of hell who take care of that. Why? Explained and asked the giant. " Oh no reason." Mortis stomped away angrily, forming a long rope around the necks of the elves, and then dragged them to the river. Without them realizing it, but only with the thought of harming themselves, Mortis threw them into the water. The giant looked at everything and was surprised that many of them were finished or angry after this test, but none of them acted like this.
Hey what are you doing? asked the giant as if he had not seen what was happening. "It seems you can't even get the one job right, but don't worry, I'll clean it up for you". Wait a minute, we have contracts. You do, I don't, and I don't give a shit about the gods who are so incompetent that they can't even make a proper judgment. Oh well, do I have another exam or do I have to keep wasting my time here?" The giant answers. You have one more, come, I'll lead you, you strange man.
The 2 left the city far behind as they marched to a coliseum that looked like something out of ancient Rome and they entered where the giant handed Mortis over to a demon that was a mixture of Imp and human. The demon looked very mischievous with a very wide grin which gave Mortis a shiver down his spine if there was one thing he hated it was deceitful humans in his case it was demons.
The demon led Mortis to the edge of the stage and said. I don't wish you luck Kikikiki and I hope you don't survive the 30 days. Then he kicked Mortis in the back and Mortis fell into the ring, but when Mortis landed the whole arena changed and became a dense dark forest.
And do you think he will survive? asked the demon. I think so, the guy is kind of crazy, I've never seen anyone try to be the ruler of his own emotions like he is, so I think he has a very strong will. Said the giant. Or he is a perfectionist and a very big narcissist who wants to control everything, but we will see. Answered the demon.
Mortis stood at the edge of the arena and felt watched, not from the seats, but as if something wild in the forest was watching him. Morti didn't trust the Demon anyway when he said he had to survive 30 days, so he set off after those staring eyes to get it over with.As if he had a spear in his hand he walked slowly through the forest trying to capture everything with his eyes and all other senses to not be surprised and to find the beast which it seems can see him everywhere. But no matter how much he tried to find this creature he found nothing in dark corners or in the thicket nothing was to be seen also the sky if you can call it so was empty and the further he went into the forest the more nervous he became because he also could not see a soul because the whole arena seems like a single soul.
Mortis looked for a tree on which he can climb because if it is really only about survival he should at least need a safe place to sleep even if he does not need food here he needs sleep if he is too exhausted or he must regenerate very slowly then he can hold out for days without sleep but for safety he still looked for a safe place even if he felt by the stare nowhere really safe so there were some trees that had large treetops and thus at least some protection offered.