Max says "In his 10th form Fear's Soul Drain takes over half of his enemy's life and uses that to heal himself!" John says "You basterd that's totally cheating!" Max says "All's fair in war John" John says "You are right that's why I never used this yet!" Max says "Used what? Your army is on the verge of collapseing I win" John says "Not yet I sacriface 3,000 planets in order to summon King Evil!" Max says "King Evil that's not fair it is a total hack? A cheat?" John says "No it is not oh and I summon an army in order to summon King Broly!" Max says "King Evil and King Broly that is not fair at all!" John says "I sacriface the rest of my forces in order to summon The Lone Wolf are you ready to die Max?" Max says "No there's nothing that I can do I have lost" John says "I use 99% of my remaining health to activate the attack of the three Destroyers I have won this Max!" Max says "No I use all of my protection moves and self healing moves and damage reduceing moves along with all of my defense moves I will survive this!" Max survives with 1 point of hp left he says "I survived it?" John says "You survived but with inly 1 point of health left" Max says "I use a resseructrion abillity and I resseruct Fear now I send Fear to attack King Evil!" John says "King Evil use death beam this attack can destroy a whole country" Max says "I've lost you beat me John good game though" John says "Hell yeah anyone could have won that"