Chapter 18 - Page 18

This act caused the various races to target Killjoy who proved to be to tough to stop. Eventually the Military Protect and Serve Act incorporated those other races eventually it was used to protect humanity and the Mortal races from the others. Then one day at a Kingdom a King had a Jestor named Penny J Wise she was the daughter of Penny L Marry and Danny Jackson Wise. As a result her first name came from her mother and her last name from her father she was abused by the King and the royal family that disliked her jokes and comedy. The King was known to be a terrible man and had her parent's hung for being unable to entertain the Royal family. The Prince used her for his own enjoyment he was at the age where males were most lustful however when she became pregnant the Prince had her hung not wanting the baby to be born. News of these events eventually reached the ears of Killjoy. Upon learning of these events he went to the kingdom and destroyed it for Clown abuse. The Military tried to fight Killjoy but had no choice but to create a new act. The Clown Protection Act ensured that no harm would ever come to any Clown the penality of breaking that Act would be enough of a reason to start a war. Due to this act Clowns were protected above all other races however they did not want protection at the hands of the Military. As a result they all searched for Killjoy for protection as a result of that act Killjoy would help the Military up to five times.