Chapter 6 - Page 6

The teddy bears torture Andy's family prolonging their suffering for as long as possible before killing them all while Andy watched helplessly. Killjoy smiles and says "Guess who just became an oprhan your welcome" Andy says "GO TO HELL!" Killjoy says "Oh you must meet the nurse she is to die for orphan boy nurse!" That's when Harly comes over dressed like a clown in a nurse outfit she says "What's the situation Mr K?" Killjoy says "Tend to the orphan" Harley tends to Andy he says "Harley why? I loved you" Harley says "Your a worthless orphan who has no friends and terrible in bed your a loser and now you have no one" Andy falls into total despair Killjoy claps his hands joyfully and says "Wonderful nurse that's what we love to see pure despair now he's ready!" Andy says "Ready for what?" Harley says "To learn the truth it's that Killjoy is my father my name is Harly Joy Quin and i'm the daughter of Killjoy" Andy says "No it can't be true" Killjoy says "It is true and now" A group of teddy bears encirlce Andy and all of them have tools Killjoy says "It's time to play the game of murder goodbye Andy" Killjoy claps his hands and the Teddy Bears rush forwards at Andy who is torn apart and brutally killed. A month after the end of Andy Killjoy and his daughter arrive at another town they attend a little girl's birthday party she was seven now. Killjoy entertained the children while his daughter entertained the teenagers and older people. Killjoy then says "I have something very unique for the birthday girl I hope you like it"