Chapter 20 - Page 20

Perfect Savage breaks the soldier's neck turns to his brother then gets on top of him as he starts to punch him sending them crashing down each floor. He was using healing to ensure Perfect Monster would survive then once on the last floor Perfect Savage gets to his feet and says "Your going to pay for what you did you touched my wives now i'll take your wife oh wait your not even married are you? That's gotta suck reminds me of the others I doubt anyone would marry an abusive pussy like you" Monster says "Fuck you Savage" Perfect Savage says "No your ex will be the one that gets fucked she will prefer me anyway" Perfect Savage finds Pain who passonately smiles at him and says "You hit much harder then your brother he's a wimp compared to you be mine please" Perfect Savage says "Of course after all no one knows more about women then me" Perfect Savage, Pain and Jade leave as the building burries Monster. A team of Excavator's dig up the place and find that the body of Monster wasen't underneath the rubble. As time passed Savage finally decided to take a break so him, Angel, Pain and Jade were on a Tropical Island before they were called in to see the President. Savage went to the White House in America his lovers by his side anyone of them could have effortlessly wiped out all the guards and took over the place well everyone except Angel. As a result the guards let them through praying that they'd get to survive to see the next day or at least the next thirty minutes.