Chereads / Dual Class [Stubbed] / Chapter 210 - Chapter 298: A City In Chaos

Chapter 210 - Chapter 298: A City In Chaos

Natto tried to observe her system screens as she had daily the past weeks. Making sure the comings and goings of visitors and adventurers were normal, and that there were no oddities slipping into her city. Supervising and keeping a close watch on the functionings of the city.

But it had recently become more difficult with the loud blaring music coming from the headphones next to her.

"I must say… How in the world do you work with such a racket in your ears Ekko?" Natto sighed.

Ekko the territorial assistant of Damian, another Primordial and close friend of Drake continued to bob her head to the beats reverberating in her headphones. She had become an associated assistant before her master Damian had left with the others to assault the elven city of Avalon.

Natto's eye twitched at being ignored. She yelled more loudly and nudged Ekko on the shoulder.


"Ah! What? What's good G Girl?" Ekko replied, slipping one of the earmuffs off, "Where's the E-Mergency?"

"There is no emergency… I simply wanted to know how you can work with such noise."

"Noise? You calling my fat home made beats noise? These sound waves are otherworldly and just because your taste in music is so poorly, cultivated. Doesn't mean the rest of the world thinks bangers aren't extra-ordinary."

Natto tapped a screen, dismissing it while looking at Ekko, "Certainly… And please do something about how you speak, I can hardly understand you…"

"No can do sista," Ekko dismissed with a quick shake of her head, "What's got you all in a twist?"

"I hope it is nothing," Natto grumbled, "I will be making rounds, report on anything unusual. We are due for more undead or worse."

"Aye Aye, boss lady. Don't forget to deliver, some exquisite cheddar. When you come back from your little walk about, know what I'm talkin' about?"

Natto waved a hand, "Yes, I will try to scrounge up some snacks for you. Back to work Ekko. We must make this place run smoothly if we are to start on the Mining Town project soon."

Stepping off the Anchoring Crystal, Natto vanished in a puff of pink fire. The next moment traveling throughout the city.

"Good evening Miss Natto."

"Mom, look! It's the guardian."

"Don't point… she might take your finger off!"

Natto ignored the greetings and continued her stroll through the city. She wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. Soon the city would become too large for her to do this.

She had big plans for Drake. And those plans included a World Capital, as well as many other planets under his control. Once that happened she would not be able to take such casual walks out in the open. She would be confined to area around the Anchoring Crystal simply to make sure it was safe.

That and protect Drake's bloodline.

"Speaking of such things," Natto hummed, vanishing off the street.

She appeared again in a large room back near the crystal. The woman inside grumbled to herself as she looked out the window on the newly made veranda.

"Is this room not extravagant enough for your tastes? Certainly it is spacious enough?"

"I should not be left here. I should be on the front lines with my bonded, with Drake…" Sah Ul' grouched.

"Now now, Miss Rahk," a voice cooed, opening the door to the room, "You are pregnant. And pregnant women have a duty beyond fighting. You are here to rest, recoup and take care of your husband's child."

The caramel skinned elf girl tried her best to soothe Sarah, bringing her a warm cup of tea and placing it on the table in front of her. As well as some snacks, Natto hungerly eyed.

"Do not worry Miss Natto," Tanya giggled, pulling out a small paper bag for her, "I also prepared some for you as well."

Natto snatched the bag in an instant, slipping them into her sleeve.

"Is there any news of my sister and Lord Wallen?" Tanya asked.

Natto shook her head, "None I am afraid. They should have arrived earlier today, and the buffoon's last transmission told me exactly how poorly the summit has gone. Which reminds me, I have finally procured the items he requested, here."

She pulled two necklaces from her personal inventory, handing it to them both.

"They are powerful mental resistant accessories. You are to never remove these until we have dealt with Drake's brother-"

Natto stopped mid thought, kneeling to the floor and grasping her chest. An intense influx of power felt as if it was burning a hole right through her, searing her insides.

"Miss Natto?!"


She raised a hand, reassuring them she was fine while glancing at her own status.

[Territorial Assistant Natto Level 30]

"That is certainly a good sign…" she muttered, "It would seem the Lord of the city is finally making progress-"

But the next moment the smile on Natto's face was whipped away, a disorienting headache nearly toppling her to the ground.

After a few moments Natto finally got to her feet, doing her best to steady herself as Ekko also appeared within the room.

"G Girl…" she eked out, holding her mouth with a hand as if ready to expel her stomach at a moment's notice, "Did you feel that unbearable… feel…?"

Natto straightened her clothes, but nodded, "Yes, something has happened, and just after such a good moment. What have you done now Drake?"


Five days after Natto and Ekko had been struck with the horrible phantom feelings directly after both reaching level 30, and by design E-Rank. They, as well as the city watch, had gone on high alert. 

Doubling patrols and outlining plans to increase the city's force were expedited. All the while Natto periodically cased the outer walls herself as well as stopped in to see Sah Ul' whenever free.

She had also handed out the mental resistance equipment that Drake had requested after the summit to everyone currently within the city walls. Natto had an idea as to why but hoped it was not true.

"Certainly someone with a powerful mind controlling or charming skill is going to be an annoying thorn in our side…" she mumbled, looking out into the forest beyond the wall.

Her eyes thinned. Winter was over and the weather warmed by the day, but she couldn't shake the small chill that lingered at the base of her neck.

"That imbecile is taking his sweet time returning."

Then she heard the felling of trees, their trunks being snapped with ease in the distance. Getting ready she also turned to the nearest city watchman on the wall.

"Send for the oaf and the rest, it seems we have guests."

The thing breaking the trees came into view, a young orc in robes that reminded Natto of Drake's first armor in the tutorial, and a young woman fitted in full plate armor holding a word in each hand.

"I stand corrected," she grimaced, seeing the large following of both people and several objects covered in tanned cloth behind the pair, "Bring Sah Ul', the oaf, Theodore, and the rest of them. Close every gate and entry into the city save this one. No one is to leave or enter the city until I tell you otherwise."

Natto teleported instantly to the gate as the mana reinforced steel, freshly made from the cyclops and dwarfs, swung open and she waited to greet the returning force.

Her face began to twist in irritation as she saw Claire, Aralleen, Thresa, Ari with Tatsuki on her shoulder, followed by the teens trained by Drake instead of Drake himself at the front.

"Where is the fool?" she asked.

Claire looked more hardened as she answered, as if keeping on a strong face despite falling apart inside.

"We don't know."

"What do you mean, you do not know? Explain."

"Lord Wallen sacked the city-" Aralleen tried to explain but was silenced from a look from Natto.

"I am speaking to the wife of your Lord. Not you. You may be a candidate, but you are still not his. Now… Explain."

"Drake went into the city with Princess Aralleen, her guard, and Mr. Leon. I don't know what happened inside, but they managed to destroy the World Tree like they planned. Mr. Damian, Mr. Leon, and Drake all seemed to have leveled up from the fight, as well as the Princess," Claire explained, tightening her grip on her own arm, "But they all began to collapse, Mr. Damian didn't even make it out of his machine, spitting up the same black gunk from when we advanced to F-Rank."

Claire pointed to the objects covered in tan cloth, "Drake and the others went unconscious for some reason, h-he…" she took a breath, "He said he was going somewhere. And that we need to protect the city."

Natto looked at Tatsuki, wanting a further explanation.

"My Master has reached E-Rank as Lady Claire has said, Lady Natto. As we both know, they should expel unwanted impurities in their bodies as part of the rank up. However… There seems to be something interfering with all of their Rank Up Quests. I have never heard of such a thing. I can not merge with Leon to get a better hold of the situation either."

Tatsuki bowed slightly, but it was clear she was frustrated.

Natto couldn't understand it either, she had no information on something like this even after increasing to E-Rank.

The people Natto called for arrived with Ekko as she continued to scour her mind and information for answers.

"You drudged us all up for a welcoming party little lady?" Hudson asked, "That ain't like ya."

"Tis true, Lady Natto. Calling upon my Liege's circle is not something thou does lightly," Theodore added.

"What happened! Where is Drake?! Claire? Where is he?" Sarah asked desperately, worry painting her face, as Tanya struggled to hold her back and calm.

Natto ignored Sah Ul' for now as Claire moved to also attempt to calm her, "Theodore, we will be shortening the schedule for the academy. I want you to begin training the students and open the Military academy branch ahead of schedule."

"Now hold on," Bjorn said, stopping her, "What's this about? Did something happen?"

Natto turned to Bjorn, "This does not leave this conversation. Or at least as long as we can prevent it," she sighed, shaking her head slightly, "Unfortunately Sherry does not have the capability to keep all of these people under contracts of silence. Zappy girl."

Claire's brows rose, not hearing Natto's nickname for her since the tutorial.


"These are all the people from the elf city that you are aware of?"

Claire looked to the side at Aralleen, who nodded back, "Yes I think so…"

"They are to remain within the city walls until we have a hold on what exactly is going on. We must contain the information of what has happened to Drake and the others for as long as possible," Natto looked at everyone present, "Is that understood?"

"Wait a minute!" a woman from the crowd roared, "You can't make us do anything! I will not have my children forced into a city ruled and shared with monsters! That man destroyed our city-"

"You dare!" Sah Ul' growled.

Natto stopped Sarah, and turned and gave the woman a fierce look.

"If you dare call him a monster again. I will show you what a real monster looks like. That man could have left you within those walls of your rotten city and watched you all burn to the ground. It is certainly what I would have done. You do not know what true monsters are girl. Drake is a sweet little boy compared to the things I am prepared to do to keep this city safe. So you will get inside, and you will keep your mouth closed on what you have seen and heard from that battle," she raised a hand, igniting pink fire in her palm, "And I will know if you do. I have eyes everywhere."

The mass of people began funneling into the city as Ekko and Natto checked the their statuses. Meanwhile the others that Natto called watched as they began discussing what to do with the solid blocks of ice Drake, Damian, and Leon were in.

"Why are we here doing nothing. We should be calling every healer class in the city to try and figure out what is wrong with Drake and the others. We can get Yorth," Charlotte offered.

"Yorth is in no condition to do anything," Natto sighed, handing out the remainder of the accessories she acquired for Drake, "He is still suffering from whatever charm led him to his current condition."

"Then I can go get Megan, or Julia. Maybe they have open skill slots to learn some sort of cleansing or-" Chealsea tried to offer.

"That will not work either. That girl Megan has already left the city. And Julia would not be able to help them…"

"What? How is she gone?! I thought you knew everything that happened in the city!" Chelsea snapped.

"I do not know. She must have purchased a concealing item from the Auction House, or had help, it is not an item one can obtain on their own so easily. Regardless, she is now gone and I do not know where. But whatever is affecting Drake and the others, is not a status ailment. I can find nothing wrong with them. They are… simply unconscious…"

"What would you have us do, Miss Natto?" Atropos asked, "We can not leave Lord Drake like this… The others and I can try to find a solution elsewhere! We will go to every city and find a healer who can help them! I will go to the ends of the world if I have to!"

"You will do no such thing," Natto said, swiping at a blue screen.

"Then what? You want us to sit on our hands while they wither away for who knows how long?" Landin scoffed.

"I would have you do what you were intended for, fool," Natto scowled, "You will remain in the city to protect it. Train like you are going to die, increase your strength as Drake taught you. And teach at the academy to have others do the same."

"You want us to teach? Us?" Charlotte asked bewildered, "None of us have any teaching experience and we are only kids. Who is going to listen to us?"

"You are not children any longer," Sah Ul' spoke up, "You are Drake's pride and joy, as well as mine. You all have grown in strength. And now it is your turn to help the city."

"You as well oaf. You are the strongest person here after myself. I expect you to lend a hand while Drake is incapacitated," Natto said, more like an order than a suggestion, "We will all have a part to play in holding this city together I feel. It is only a matter of time until the rest of the world knows Drake is not here anymore and will look to remove their competition for the next Summit…"