Chereads / an Immortal Sinner / Chapter 8 - Confined in Altitude

Chapter 8 - Confined in Altitude

+ February 1st, 2025, 06:20 am +

Flying 5,000 feet (about half the height of Mount St. Helens) off the ground.

Isaa was sitting next to Peter who looked a lot older and much more experienced than he is. He had a beard and cool-looking dark smooth black hair! He must have done something to get it to look that cool. But Isaa's staring caught Peter's attention. He asked Isaa "is something wrong Lieutenant?" Isaa didn't understand Peter's British accent and asked him "umm...could you say that again?" so Peter turned to face him and asked in Arabic "انتا بخير؟"Isaa was a surprised by his Arabic, then he replied "نعم انا بخير" which meant that he's okay. Peter looked at his watch and stated "it looks like it's going to be a long trip back to base. ×pulls out a red can along with a small slab of raw meat from a compartment under his seat× I advise you to look away Lieutenant" But Isaa's eyes were already glued to what Peter was doing.

Soon it became clear to him, as Peter began digging his teeth into the slab of meat and pulling a sizeable amount out of it. After a few bites, he opened the red can and drank half of its contents with a red bloody liquid dripping a little from the side of his mouth before he continued eating from the meat slab. Isaa was already numb to this kind of sight, but the sound of ripping through meat, it is never easy to get used to.

While Isaa was dealing with the revelation that Peter was probably like those monsters from the cave of death, Susie was looking around herself to see only women in the helicopter she was flying in. all of them were armed and wore the same uniform as the men that shot up the sinners back in the cave of death.

That made her a little uneasy since they think that she's human when she's actually a sinner. She stated out loud as she tried to comfort herself by trying to act normal "I'm fine, I'm okay. Nothing bad will happen to me. I just need to relax" but suddenly, she was addressed by a woman sitting next to her "You. You smell of blood" that made Susie jump off her seat and turn to look to the woman who said that, with fear shaking her heart. It was the Beanie wearing woman from before, except that she looks shorter than I thought she was (you hate short women?) you insult me with that question knowing damn well that my standers are LOW (so... you don't hate short women?) You're also me so answer that yourself and let me continue!

Now, as I was saying. Susie was discovered by the beanie wearing woman whose name is Norah and who looked to be just about 4''7ft, with black hair spanning all the way to the end of her back with the beanie sitting atop her head. She questioned Susie who was looking really spooked out "who are you? And what connection do you have to the cult?" Susie was unable to form words as she stood there with Norah staring at her with zero sympathy or forgiveness in her eyes, all she did was mutter some incomprehensible nonsense that didn't satisfy the short woman who stood up and off her own seat to look at Susie clearly.

Norah's height was all the way up to Susie's stomach, so she had to look up to see Susie's face only to be met with two soft clouds blocking her view (your description is vague, keep it up). Norah used her backpack to get a boost high enough to reach Susie's face, which looked frightened. Norah asked Susie again with little to no emotion in her voice "What do you know about the cult of ع ق ر? What do you know about the person who leads them?" with every question, Susie was looking more intimidated by the Norah's interrogation before she gathered the courage to answer one thing "I... I don't know anything about the leader. ×hesitates for a second× I-I know that her name is Sophia! That's all I know about her, I swear!" Norah stared for a minute at Susie's expression, it looked like the fear in her was now replaced by an ounce of courage which made Susie seem more human than ever. Norah's eyes flashed cyan blue before stepping off her backpack and telling Susie "You are human. Perhaps my sensors need a reboot" causing Susie to melt onto her seat with a sigh of relief escaping her.

Inside a plane that is leading the other two helicopters.

Khalid woke up when he felt something weighing him down only to feel a bit of constraint around his ankles. When he reached to pull it off, he couldn't, it was as if his strength hadn't caught up with his body yet. His vision was a little deprived by all the lights that were shining over him. He rubbed his eyes and looked around and saw another sinner, and it was none other than FUCKING Kathrine. That bitch survived too much shit. She's gotta go (you hate her that much?) she got lucky when Malik went easy on her, he should have killed her. he was soft then, Not. Any. More. 😈

Anyhow, she was sitting on a seat with her arms restrained by straps and wet cloth that covered her upper body like a mummy. Khalid slowly got up and looked around asking himself "Where am I? Why do I feel so weak? ×shouts at the guards who are just staring at him with their guns trained on him× AND WHY IS NO ONE ANSWERING ME?!" The guards didn't reply as their commander who looked like a woman ordered them sternly "Do not answer any of their inquiries. You are not paid to answer the questions of killers and extremists. Understood?" the guards nodded their heads in affirmation only for their commander to speak in a more dominant and monotone voice "what was that? You have your tongues, correct?" the guards looked like they were afraid of their commander as they all replied in unison "WE UNDERSTAND COMMANDER ELLIS!" but without even acknowledging their energy, Ellis just headed back inside the cockpit leaving the guards alert and a little low on morale.

Meanwhile, Khalid was angrily punching his fists onto the restraints as hard as he could only to feel a lot of pain, but that didn't stop him, his determintion is far too strong. then Kathrine told him, "It's futile. Our power is being restricted by that harlot's commands" "I DON'T CARE! I NEED OUT!" Khalid exclaimed as he punched his fists onto the restraints harder, he felt the pain coursing through his veins was getting worse and worse, that caused him to let a few tears fall down his face before he felt his wounds starting to slowly regenerate, but he also heard a voice that sounded familiar, it was his voice! But it was deeper and filled with evil intent "Are we the bad?" and then, he was pulled into the floor by black arms that wrapped around him causing him to fall to his knees and be taken by them.

Kathrine just watched an insane Khalid act like he was dead which allowed her to return to sleeping and hatching a plan to escape and return to her dear mistress.

Inside Khalid's Limbo (an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.)

He was kneeling before a skull, a half human skull to be specific. Other then it's creepy appearance It was an ordinary jawless human skull that somehow asked Khalid "Who are we?" in a deep and guttural voice.

Khalid looked at it and then where he was, before saying "How the hell am I supposed to know that?! You dragged me here!" The skull merely flew right up to Khalid's face which made him fall into a white cloudy liquid which was extra thick and viscous. And he couldn't get out of it no matter what he did till he shouted "WAIT! HOLD ON A SECOND PLEASE!" that's when he appeared to be standing face to face with the floating half skull who asked, "WHO ARE WE¡¿" its voice was so loud that it made Khalid's ears ring. He looked around himself and saw nothing but the endless abyss and felt as if he had been here before.

He answered the question saying "I do not know who you are! But you have the same voice as me, so I am assuming that you are me" and the skull pondered what he said till it spoke in a little kid's voice "who are we?", it's voice reminded Khalid of his younger days, living life without caring about a thing, till life hit him hard which made him the man he is now. Khalid told +himself+ "I am human" before waking back up with a head-butt to the stomach by Kathrine who informed him, "wake up! that whore wants to have a word with you" Khalid weakly turned where Kathrine was looking only to see Ellis staring down at him with her arms folded.

Khalid tried to get up while saying "I do not know why you decided to lock me up with miss anger issues over here ×referring to Kathrine×, but I am sure you can see that I am not like her and will never be l-" but Ellis commanded him "kneel" and Khalid did, he did it like it was something he used to do.

Ellis asked him as she inspected his eyes "you claim that you are different than your girlfriend. Although your eyes may not be as red-" Kathrine interrupted her shouting "I WOULD NEVER COPULATE WITH THIS MAN! HE IS THE VERY REASON MY MISTRESS WAS REDUCED TO NOTHING BUT AN EMPTY HUSK!" to which Ellis responded with a command "bite your tongue" and Kathrine did so without a second thought, causing her to bleed from her mouth as her tongue was sandwiched between her upper and lower front teeth. Kathrine winced in pain, but Ellis had to teach her a lesson in knowing one's place.

Ellis continued "you don't smell any different. You smell like human blood and reek of animalistic urges. The two distinctive scents all you sinners share" Khalid asked her "why do you talk as if you are better than me? You're a sinn-" then a command had him slam his own face onto the ground before Ellis who claimed "I don't need a filthy sinner to tell me what I am. for I am better than you all" Khalid mumbles something while his face was still on the floor, it sounded like "Damn, I know I should be trying to prove myself to this guy, but this floor is feeling hella comfortable right now." Ellis watched as Khalid just laid there on the floor with his face down snoring loudly as he began to feel sleepy.

She eventually had enough of his foolishness and commanded him to "Stand up" and he sluggishly got off the floor and slowly got up on his feet again with this tired expression on his face. "You young sinners are a handful, especially you ×refers to Khalid× you are by far the most annoying sinner I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with", a voice told Khalid "Are you just a loser who takes shit from everyone you meet? Where's our pride? Our self-worth?" Then he felt his wounds healing up along with his strength returning to him, which made him able to just break his ankle restraints with no trouble, except for Ellis who had commanded him to "sit down" to which Khalid replied with "×speaks as if he's a different being× how about, no? ever heard that word before? ×stretches his legs× it feels like years since I've walked!" "how are you able to ignore my commands? ×starts reaching for her sidearm× no sinner has ever managed to do that, just who do you think you are?" Ellis asked in a cool and calm voice to which Khalid responded by walking over to her slowly explaining "You are good; Lust is by far the strongest and most practical Sin. ×smiles from ear to ear exposing his super sharp teeth× In trained hands that is. Right boy?".

Ellis ordered him "sit, or you and your girlfriend will be executed ×flashes her pistol×" Khalid turned his back to her and took his seat in the corner of the plane stating "no need, I don't wish to kill this host ×smiles with malicious intent× before I cause more chaos with him~" those words echoed throughout Elliss' and Kathrine's minds as he took one last glance at them before closing his reddening eyes.

Kathrine was just watching this whole thing unfold before she was commanded by Ellis "Tell me everything you know about this guy and spare no details!" Kathrine shouted at her "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS SACK OF HUMAN SCUM! HE'S JUST A STUPID REBEL, THAT'S ALL!". Ellis spoke into an earpiece she put on "she said he's a rebel, I do not know what that means exactly but the director will want to question the two of them, personally." before taking a glance at a sleeping Khalid who is just overflowing with ill intent, then headed back to the cock pit.