Hero's, Adventueror's and others would often come over to try and kill him and her as well but he effortlessly killed them all thus she was safe. Titans would also come by to challenge the Legendary Titan Hunter the most powerful and feared Titan they all wanted to be the one to kill him. However none could even get close no matter how many or how powerful and overwhelming they seemed to everyone else they could not even get close enough to touch Demon Lord Savage as a result they coulden't even touch Jade. Then one day he made them they were split replica's of himself one for each floor eight for guarding the Castile entrance. However even split into multiple copies he was as overwhelming as before there was also another one that met challengers before even getting to the eight guarding the place. No one could get passed this one none even got close enough to touch it thus no one could even get to the original Demon Lord Savage or to Jade. After awhile outsiders started to send the worst of the worst there to be execuated starting the tradtion of using this Castile as an execuation site and even telling people meant to die anyway. That if they killed the Monster's they'd get to live even those that were a threat would be sent there to die. Nobels and people in power tried to take ownership of the Castile claiming it belonged to them but noce could obtain the right out of fear for the entity within. However it was eventually learned that some indivuals would not die.