Savage Saga Part 11 The End Of The Church Ark

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Chapter 1 - Page 1

Bella was one of his life lines and now he knew once and for all that he was cursed to be alone and empty. However he did not wish to go through this torture anymore he summoned an Enchanted Blade he had personally made. This Blade was designed to end his own life once and for all he would never hurt another and would go to Hell to rot there. At that time Bella started to make her way back she says "I have to get those girls away from that Demon we will leave together start a new life away from him" However when she arrives she sees that he had impaled himself with that blade. At that moment she finally realized how much she messed up that she diden't mean it. She goes to his side he says "You came back?" She is crying and says "Of course I came back I diden't mean those hurtful things I said I was just scared leraning all of that at once was too much I don't want to lose you" He says "I enjoyed your cooking I wish I could have it one last time before I die please don't cry it will be alright" He collaspses his body hitting the floor. He still has a little bit of strength left she says "Please don't leave me darling we can start a new life together you don't need to handle your burdens alone let me give you strength I will always remain at your side so please don't leave me darling" He says weakly "It will be ok i'll always be in your heart" He stops breathing she yells out "DARLING!"