Chereads / Second Chance on Life / Chapter 43 - 43. We must celebrate

Chapter 43 - 43. We must celebrate


At this moment I'm a little lost with what Jessica had just said. What did she mean she remembered the moment we became a couple? Well, I did understand it, but I didn't expect it and she really seem happy to have remembered it.

"Oh really?" I asked with joy beginning to invade my body and when she nodded, I couldn't help but pick her up and spin around a couple of times. "Congratulations, love!!!! I'm so proud of you." I said happily and leaving her on the ground, "Hey, can we find out what's going on?"

"I remembered the moment when Santi and I became a couple!!!!" She said excitedly and laughing "Wow, that's great Jess. We should celebrate this!!!!" Carla and Jesy exclaimed excitedly. "There's no way we do it, you're going crazy." Jess pointed out and to which I laughed "Are you calling me crazy Leone?" Jesy asked, raising an eyebrow and leaving her hand on her hip. "You and Carla? Of course, you are half crazy when it comes to a party, Nelson."

"And did you see it somewhere?" She asked, "I don't need to see it somewhere to know what you're like, you can be more than clear about that." My fiancée responded with a laugh. "What if we do it?" Perrie asked from the couch. "As long as they don't get involved, I think it's great."

"Ah, I mean you let them, but you don't let us." Jesy protested, "No, because I'm completely sure you would all get drunk, and I can't, so I can't let you do it." She pointed and Carla frowned. "Are you telling me if you weren't pregnant, you would get drunk with us?"

"Of course, that's not in doubt. It wouldn't be the first time the six of us got drunk." Jessica said with a big smile on her face "Do you remember any of that?" she asked, "Not much, but I'm not completely sure it's because of the storm." She responded, shrugging her shoulders, "I can assure you it's not because of the storm, among the five of you, there's no one to stop you, but especially not the four of you." Perrie said with a smile on her face.

"And as always, you have to be defending Jade." Jesy said, rolling her eyes. "And who said I'm talking about her right now?" the first asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because we both know you don't drink too much, Perrie, and Leigh is the same as us." The brunette pointed out, "Okay, it may be what you say Jesy, but it's the truth and you know it."

"I know, I'm not complaining about that." Jesy defended herself "Jess, I hope you don't mind, but I called your parents, your grandmother and your sister. It won't take long for them to come." Jade said with a big smile on her face. "I don't mind Jade, thank you." My fiancé thanked "Me and Jesy are going out to buy something to drink."

"Take Santi with you." My fiancée asked with a big smile on my face, "Do we need a babysitter?" Carla asked, pretending to be offended. "No, but he will make sure you don't buy more than a couple of bottles of wine." Jess informed "So now we need a babysitter… I don't believe it."

"Well, I do, and I want my fiancé home soon." She said pointing to both girls "We won't be too long, love." I responded with a big smile on my face "I know." We kissed and I walked out the door with the girls, and I hoped they wouldn't take too long, because really all I wanted to do was hold Jessica in my arms.

"Well, I hope you let us buy alcohol." Jesy said, linking our arms. "You don't need to buy it to have a good time." I responded, "I know, but a little won't kill us." This time Carla said, doing the same as the British woman, "If Jess sent me with you, it's so you don't buy it, and believe me, at this moment I don't want to have Jessica on my bad side." I assured "Trouble in paradise De Luca?" Jesy asked, laughing, "No, there aren't any, but let's say she doesn't like being contradicted, and if she didn't like it before she got pregnant, imagine with all the hormones that run through her body."

"And believe me, it's not because Santi says it, but if she already has bad temper, you don't want to know how bad she is when pregnant." Carla supported "I think I can get an idea, after all, she hit me this afternoon." Jesy reported "That's because you scared her, that's why." I responded, shrugging, "She almost did that to me once too, but you can't pretend she doesn't. It's a habit of hers."

"Go around hitting people in the street because they grab her arm?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "Something like that, after all, in the United States she got in self-defence, and from what Miky says she was the best in the class. And then I seem to remember she got into some boxing." Carla revealed, "That would explain the way she hit me." The other girl responded, laughing, "Well yes, and she won some competition."

"But she had already done that before going to Los Angeles. Don't you remember she won some championships in school and high school? I asked, surprised she didn't remember, but all my best friend did is laugh. "Oh, of course I remember, for some reason no one messed with us, no one wanted to upset her." She assured, "Well, it would be good to have known that information beforehand." Jesy protested, "Now you know." I said, laughing, "A little late, but come on, let's go shopping, I don't want to be murdered by your fiancée."


As soon as the three of them walked out the door, I went to the couch and sat down, causing Wisky to appear next to me and lie down with his head on my lap. "Wow, I didn't know you had a dog, hello…" As soon as Perrie stretched out her hand to touch Wisky, he began to growl under his breath, making Perrie move her hand away and stare at me.

"I'm sorry, but he doesn't like someone approaching me when he doesn't know that person." I said with a small smile on my face and patting his head to calm him down. "And that's why he has to growl at me?" she asked in disbelief. "Miky trained him like that." I responded, shrugging my shoulders. "So, he can go growling at people out there?" Perrie asked without believing what she's hearing "So no one would approach me on the street and do something to me."

"I don't understand…" the blonde murmured. "When I had the tumour, there were times when I couldn't see anything, and since it could happen at any moment, Miky decided to train him in case something happened to me on the street." I said with a smile as I remembered all the effort Miky had made to make that happen. "Wow, the boy is a genius." Perrie responded "He is. He also trained him to guide me around the house if I wasn't with anyone there, and to help me with other things." I proudly reported, "All that couldn't have been easy for you, much less being blind for a moment."

"Believe me, it wasn't, but I'm fine and that's what matters in the end." I said, shrugging, "Jess, can I ask you a question?" Jade asked and I nodded. "How much does Santi know?" My friend asked and a smile appeared on my face "You mean if he knows everything? No, he doesn't know, and I'm not going to tell him either." I assured.

"Why?" Jade asked "Come on Jade, we all know what Santi is like when it comes to Jess, and we know that if he finds out how bad it was, he's going to take it bad, and I don't think anyone would want that to happen now he's the Santi of before again." Leigh-Anne observed. "Exactly." I responded, "I also heard when he was in the hospital you weren't there too much."

"It's true." I admitted, because in the end that's what had happened. "Why?" Perrie asked quickly. "Because one, it wasn't good for me or the child to spend there all the time. Hospitals stress me out too much and the situation he was in stressed me out, so I spent an hour with him every day. It was better than stressing me out."

"I have to assume you're stressed after what you went through in the United States." Jade pointed out and I nodded "Yes. It's not funny when everything hurts, and you don't know anyone. That for three months? I felt trapped and didn't know anything." I answered honestly, trying not to let those memories come back to the front of my mind. "Three months?" Jade whispered and I nodded. "Three months I was conscious; I think I was unconscious for about two months or something."

"A long time." Leigh agreed, "Exactly, and they let me leave because I kept insisting, because otherwise I would almost certainly be there for a couple of months. Now I want you to answer me something." I said calmly "What?" They asked curiously, "It's not that bothers me you're here and all, but what are you doing in Italy?" I asked, "We came to see you, after all, it's been four years in which we thought you were dead and we missed you, but then we heard you are setting up a social centre."

"Apparently I had been thinking about the idea for a while, and it's the best thing to do." I said with a shrug, "We want to help you with that." They reported "Really?" I asked, surprised. "Yes, I'm completely sure both Santi and Carla are helping you." Perrie noted, "They're doing it." I admitted, "Well, we want to help too."

"Okay, if you want, let's go there tomorrow." I said with a big smile on my face "I think so. And what about that Alison chick?" Jade questioned this time. "She's still there, and she's really pregnant." I said even though it doesn't surprise me "Of Santi?" She asked and I denied, laughing. "No, that's what she says, but apparently the child is Lucas's."

"Who's Lucas?" They asked confused, "A guy who says is my boyfriend of six years." I said, "But that would mean cheating on Santi, and you wouldn't do something like that." Jade pointed out and I nodded, "I know, and believe me, because of him, the one who almost ended up in the cemetery is Santi."

"What?" They murmured, "Let's say that one day while I was in the hospital after having surgery, Eric told me Lucas was in Italy and he was coming to take me to the United States with him. I decided to tell Santi, because in the end, we told each other everything, but he thought he wasn't enough for me and at that moment he believed it and I told him to leave. I was angry and didn't want to see him at that moment. According to Santi, he went to a bar, and it was there where they attacked him. We didn't hear from him for a week."

"Where was he?" Perrie asked. "In the cemetery, where my grave was." I muttered, pushing that image out of my mind. "How did he get there?" Leigh asked curiously. "I have no idea; I just know he was there." I responded, "And how do you know the child she's carrying is from that man?"

"Let's say I hired a private investigator to discover all her shit and why she insists on saying Santi is the father of that child. Furthermore, I know she's going to do an interview telling the whole truth about me and the intention I had to murder her child according to her." I responded, "Is that girl crazy?" Jade asked and I laughed "I think a little, but whatever, what she doesn't expect is that I'll be there with her."

"What are you talking about Jess?" Perrie asked with a frown. "Let's say a couple of days ago they called me for that same interview." I admitted "And you're going to expose everything you discovered about her…" Jade continued my thought "Basically."

"But that woman isn't right in the head. Don't you think she can do something to you?" She asked and I nodded, because I knew she would at least try. "I know she's going to do it once she sees everything, I have about her, but don't worry, they won't let me go alone if she's involved." I assured, "And even less when everything comes out in the light."

"That too." I nodded. "How long are you pregnant?" Leigh asked now with a big smile on her face. "Almost nine months. Next week I'm overdue" I responded, matching her smile. "You must be excited." Perrie noted "A lot, but more Santi. If you saw him when we go to sleep. He always leaves his head on my belly and starts talking to it as if it would understand what he's saying."

"How cute." The three girls said to which I nodded, because my fiancé is "I know. I really don't understand sometimes how I can fall in love with him more every day." I said sincerely, "Everyone can see it. But I must say I'm glad to see him as he was the day, we met him." Jade pointed out, "I would make sure that stays that way."

"We know." Just at that moment the four of them enter the door with the rest of my family behind them, and even though I'm having a good time, once Santi hugged me, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.