Hello, one and all, Dontlookdown here. Thanks for reading the story so far, glad to have you.
Figured I would take the time to talk about the story, along with providing an explanation for the... release times.
Let's start with the story. That is more fun compared to explaining myself, and I am a bit of a procrastinator if you couldn't tell.
Yes, this is the prologue. Yes, it is ridiculously long. No, I did not plan for this.
Originally, it was supposed to be ten chapters long. Then it turned to twenty, then thirty. Now, it sits at forty.
Is this a good thing? I don't know, but that is the way it turned out. I began writing this story because I got writer's block on an unreleased novel, mostly as a joke for myself.
Originally, it began based on how many novels begin with their protagonist being betrayed and killed over some item or cultivation manual. I decided to write a bit where the protagonist actually deserved to be killed, but it almost immediately turned into something else entirely.
However, it started to grow on me. I enjoyed the different start and approach. Then I started filling out the world. The characters. The plot.
Eventually, I decided to try it out. Writing has always been a dream for a reader like me, but I have never done anything like this before.
If you want to know why it is taking so long, then it is because I am a perfectionist. I hate writing something that doesn't sound right or properly convey what I wish it could, but my skillset doesn't allow me to be all that picky.
The stereotypical beginner trying to be a master at the thing they had just picked up. It is a great way for early onset writer's block to kick in, but there is no helping it. That is who I am, and if it means releasing one chapter every month, then so be it.
I have no grand delusion of becoming a top-level writer on this site. I have a job. One that I am wildly underqualified for. That takes up roughly ten hours a day, including weekends.
Instead, I choose to do this for myself. Hero of Greed has received a contract offer, but there is no plan to accept it. That would require a level of investment I cannot afford, plus a reliable release schedule...
So if you do want to read this book, understand my position. If it doesn't please you— and rightfully so —then please don't think too bad of me. I am just a man trying to do something I enjoy as a hobby.
But if that doesn't bother you: thank you.
Feel free to leave this in the back corner of your library. Maybe check in every now and then for a chapter or two. I would appreciate it if you liked what I created, even if it will be a long journey.
From this point, the story will take place in a much bigger world. The setting has been a single castle, but I look forward to showing what else I have made in this fictional land thought up in my free time.
Apologies if this has focused too much on myself and not the novel. It is probably selfish, but I wanted to have my own words in a chapter of their own.
I hope that you have enjoyed everything I have done.