'Really. I am fine! It is going to be okay.'
'Fine?... FINE!?! They are trying to turn you into a brainless puppet and all you have to say for yourself is that it is fine!'
Simon could feel it, the air felt slightly suffocating as in her excitement she unconsciously started eating the ambient mana in the atmosphere. Even the mana necessary to keep the sacred lands in place was getting absorbed.
Maria noticed the slight shift in the world. She looked around confused.
'Calm down! We are gonna get caught!'
There was heat in his tone as he thought it out.
The feeling immediately disappeared.
'Sorry!' came a soft whimper.
'Don't be mad at me... I swear! It was an honest mistake! I promise even if you turn into a mindless puppet I will still love you to death and back!'
There was that childishly obsessive desire for his approval again, there was so much innocence in there that a very small part of him became deeply aroused at the thought of claiming that purity for himself.
'Oh!...Can we do that now?!?... please!?!...'
Maybe because he was not exposed to Rawr enough but Simon found her rapid shifts in mood to be quite jarring. Centering himself, he thought out.
'Rawr, my little dragon, I would love to claim you and ride you to the heights of your pleasure. But for right now, can you please trust me? Help me pass this predicament so that we can explore the world at our leisure.'
'Aww! Yes! Of course! Let me see... hmm... About that... Just activate magic absorb every now and then. You should be fine with just that much. Your body is a magical ocean, even if your stamina cannot keep up, there is way too much magical energy flowing through you for you to be 'weakened' in any way even if you were pumped ceaselessly for weeks on end. Psychic attacks are all magical and absorbing them is child's play.'
This was the juxtaposition that was Rawr. Hyper intelligent but naive and childish all at the same time. All wrapped into an extremely terrifying draconic package that obsessed over him.
'Only for you, my dawn and my dusk.'
"...Simon. We are here."
He could not catch the first part of her statement but the latter half combined with their current location was enough to judge what she was saying.
They were at a deviant sushi restaurant.
"Are you sure you are ok? I realize that you are a 'greater human' but even you should be fatigued after feeding me and your monster girls every day without break."
'Please! Unless he supercharges his essence, his infernal gifts combined with my draconic regeneration, he could go on forever. Granted, after a while, he would be so drained of stamina that he would be out like a light but his dick can go on indefinitely and that is what counts!'
"I can do that!?!" Even after so much exposure to mental communication, he still shouted it out. The information he received was just that surprising.
"What can you do?" asked Maria looking at him suspiciously.
"I can empower my cum!" He said before his brain could catch up to his mouth.
"You can?!?!"
For the first time, he saw Maria's veil crack as she looked down at his crotch with unabashed hunger. She licked her lips subconsciously as many a passerby, all of whom were monster girls, looked at them with interest attracted by the large sound and delicious-looking human.
Thankfully, she regained her composure extremely quickly as she said in a single breath.
"Do not say this to anyone. We will talk about this later. Now, let us just get off the streets. The citizens look like they want to eat you alive and they do not even know how much of a prize you really are."
'Is this not common knowledge? Any 'greater human' outside of apostles and avatars should have the ability to empower their cum.'
She was using her 'I am a nigh omniscient demigod' persona right now and somehow she managed to make it sexy through the power of her mental voice alone.
'Wait till you see me in my monster girl form!'
And she was back to her cute childish self.
Simon allowed himself to be dragged along as he answered.
'To answer your question. No, it is not common knowledge.'
'But all your [heroes] are 'greater humans'? This does not make sense.'
Simon could hazard a guess as to why public perception was skewed so he threw it out there. His super smart dragon could easily analyze and verify.
'My guess is everyone thinks it is the [hero] title that gives you the benefit and not the fact that you have to be a 'greater human' to be a [hero] in the first place. They are secretive enough to allow that myth to perpetuate.'
Simon was not disappointed when he received her answer.
'Makes quite a bit of sense. Whatever organization is responsible for your status screen regularly hides a lot of relevant information, until some parameters are met. And in a society where the word of the status screen is taken as law, it is a very easy obfuscation.'
'Why would the [heroes] in charge of C.M.S.C. do such a thing? I thought that to become a part of the management you had to pass through unholy amounts of tests and trials.' Simon became curious.
'Probably to protect newly formed 'greater humans' like yourself. If the reaction of an angel, who is the most restrained of any monster girl species, is anything to go by you are a hot commodity and are very easy pickings for any monster girl with the right resources or an army of them. If an army of tier 4s knocked on our door... even I could not protect you...'
The last part had an edge like she was trying to swallow a very bitter pill.
Being sat down by Maria brought him out of his reverie. She handed him a menu and threw a thought into his head, Rawr immediately made herself scarce hiding from the new mental intruder. She sounded sad, hopeful and a wide range of mixed emotions he could not even begin to parse.
'I am going to pay for you and duck under the table. Simon... can you... give me a taste of your greater essence. I swear this is the only time I shall ask anything so great of you. I... I just want to remember...'
Maria felt so vulnerable at the moment, unlike anything he had ever seen before. That desire to take flared up again, fiercely.
Simon gave her a soft smile.