As Martin lay prone in the doorway unconscious, arm twisted at an unnatural angle, he began to drift. He drifted into a lot of shit he didn't want to re-experience. Though it was kind of inevitable that this would happen, after the sudden appearance of his father stirring old feelings and picking open semi closed wounds.
He went back to a time when he wasn't a complete shut in, when he wasn't such a waste of space.
5 Years Earlier—— Gainwood High
"Yoooo Marty, you coming to the party after the game right?" came a distant shout from Luke as he rushed off the field.
Luke Radich just so happens to be one of Martins teammates for his high school football team as well as his best friend since the 4th grade.
"Ahhh I don't know man, my mom will kill me if she knows I'm at a party" came Martins timid response.
"Bro, you're 17 and you've never been to a party. I think your mom would understand if you went out for one night of fun."
"Mmm can I give you a rain chec-"
"No butts Marty. The game will be over next half so you better tell your mom you got plans and fast" said Luke with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.
"Okay.." came a defeated sigh from Martin as he shot his mom a text.
"Hell yeah, I knew you had it in you"
Martins mother replied to him with a simple "okay have fun sweetie" before he went back on the field.
"What the hell" he exclaimed to himself, when did she become so understanding of him doing extracurriculars that weren't school related.
A Few Hours Later——— Luke's party
Martin was uncomfortable in the truest meaning of the word. He didn't grow up in a bubble but it was pretty damn close. His mother fussing about him doing anything remotely dangerous as his dad watched helplessly from the sideline. His mother always keeping him focused on his academics, making him study a wide array useless information. Only when he and his dad were alone would his dad show how he really feels about raising such a spineless kid.
Which is why other than Luke coming over Martins house a few times a month, he never hung out with anyone outside of school. Currently he felt he lacked the social skills to appropriately blend in. Noticing this Luke came to the rescue, forced Martin to down a few cups of liquid courage then let him loose.
And damn did Martin feel good at first. He felt like he had the courage of a million men and appeal of an oasis in a desert.
Martin remembered exactly what he did that night even if he wished he could forget. Every moment came back to him in stone cold clarity. In this painful dream of remembrance it had started off harmless with him just introducing himself to random girls. Then it progressed to him getting a little touchy feely with these girls, only after he was slapped by one of them did he realize something was amiss.
Martin thought to himself and asked why he was doing this, he didn't have an answer for himself. But he knew one thing for certain, he was not himself.
While Martin knew he had been wanting a girlfriend for quite sometime, it shouldn't have manifested in him being a serial groper when a got a few drinks down the hatch.
He knew it was wrong but he couldn't stop himself, as the urge to get intimate only got stronger. Worried of what might come, Martin set off to find Luke. Fortunately it was not a long search cause Luke happened to be staring at him from across the room. Martin immediately set off towards him.
"Yoooo… Martttyyy…. Are you having fun bro" Luke said finally managing to string all the words that were jumbled in his head.
"Absolutely not" Martin snapped angrily "what hell was in that shit you gave me man."
"Woah.. woah man chill out, it was to help you have fun" Luke winked at his friend.
"Well I'm not" Martin said voice cracking under the strain to remain in a neutral tone.
"Welp that sucks bro" shrugged Luke.
A Little While Later—— Luke's Party
Martin made an ass of himself too many times to count, but still it only got worse. Eventually he went to find Luke again to see he had anything to balance him out. He was getting dangerously close to attacking the girls at the party.
"Well I mean.. you could have some of this" said Luke holding an orange and green tablet.
"And what is some of that" challenged Martin.
"I'm… not entirely sure" Luke said beaming, giving two thumbs up.
"Fuck it" Martin replied, anything had to be better than the current circumstance.
Martin soon realized that he had messed up even worse, because now his brain felt like it was in slow motion while his body remained at its normal operating speed. The only positive information he gleamed from his current predicament was that his raging hard member had went to sleep peacefully. His forceful way of barging into a conversation if a girl was talking also ceased.
The Next Day—— Luke's Party Aftermath
Martin woke up in a daze, memory a little fuzzy, not exactly sure where he was until he saw the 4-5 people staring at him upside down with their phones out. Upside down? Why are they- Martin cut off his thoughts and tried to sit up as last night's embarrassment came back to him.
"YOOO check it out guys Crazy Party Marty is awake" said one of the peanut gallery goons recording him.
Mortified, Martin tried disengage from the precarious situation his drug addled mind put him in last night. Currently naked, with the tap water of the kitchen sink sending a steady stream of water onto his junk, bare ass pressed against the kitchen window, and head swimming from his head hanging off the counter all night. Martin struggled to maintain any ounce of composure throughout the process. Once he found success and extricated himself he found steady footing on the kitchen floor, to only discover the crowd had gathered in droves. More than 20 people all looking at him.
Suddenly every wall closed in tight, phones were recording him in his most vulnerable moment in his life. He quickly started hyperventilating as the laughter closed in on him, trapping him in a ball on the floor while they watched him like an animal. Pointing at him while making disgusted faces. Unable to move, besides his chest spasming rapidly which still let him breath. He sorely wished it wouldn't have.
Martin lay there, on the floor, in a ball till someone had the good sense to call an ambulance. Paramedic's took him to a hospital where he was admitted to a psych ward immediately after treatment. But the worst was yet to come in Martins tragic high school life.