Time Skip...
Everyone relaxed and looked toward me wondering how the shot went. "William can you try to show a little more cockiness before you run off upstairs."
"I can do that."
"Alright, everyone."
The actors got into position and prepared themselves for the scene.
"The crew were in position and ready to capture the magic."
"I'm up here you morons. Come and get me."
Jeremy and Collin the actors who play Harry Lime and Marv Murchins both walk in on cue and slip off legos and fall backward onto the floor. The floor is made of soft material and there're pads under it to cushion the fall.
"You guys give up, or are you thirsty for more."
William gets up and runs upstairs.
I review the take and everything looks great. "We got it great job."
We take a break to let the crew and everyone relax a little after filming for 7 hours. It's been 1 month of filming and looking back I can say the progress and improvement is impressive. Especially for William being his first film.
"Cut. Alright, let's take a break some things aren't clicking here."
Everyone went to refocus and energize themselves. Then William walked over to me.
"Mr. Wayne."
Turning to him, "Come on William you can call me Eren."
"Sorry Eren, can I get some assistance with how the character Kevin is supposed to act."
Smiling I tell him the truth, "Look the character is yours. In movies usually, the characters are the directors. However, when it comes to young characters specifically children the character becomes what the actor does with it. Put yourself in Kevin's shoes and act how you would act with what you know from the script and your personality."
Flashback Ends...
Today is the last day of filming, everyone is excited for the film to be completed. 90% of the editing for the film was finished and just needed this last scene.
"Cut. Alright, let's try again."
The last scene needed to be filmed 5 times due to everyone's excitement. "Annnd Cut, alright that's a wrap." Everyone cheered and we held a party for the cast and crew.
During the party, William came up to me and sparked a conversation.
"Eren I would like to thank you for giving me this chance." Looking down at him I say, "William you have talent and I just saw that talent if I didn't someone else would so give yourself more credit."
"Hey Eren, "Uncle came over to me, "You ready for the exciting part of finding a distributor for the film." I took a deep breath at the thought of trying to convince someone, but I hope someone will bite.
"The way I see it of the Big 6 either the biggest will accept, or the smallest will." Uncle looked at me with understanding, "Yeah, you read my mind, we should have everything done and a trailer made the day after tomorrow."
"Good that works for me." Thinking for a moment I look back and get his attention. "Hey Uncle, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, what's up?"
Looking around at the cast if say, "In private."
"Sure no problem," We both made our way to an empty conference room. "So what did you need to talk about."
Controlling my nerves I answer, "I've been considering going to therapy for what's happened in the past. Do you think it's a good idea?" Uncle looked at me in shock that shifted into a look of empathy.
"I think with the situation you're in it's a really good decision, if you need to talk about anything I'm here for you," he said putting an arm around me.
We both make our way back to the party and open 2 beers, "Thank you Uncle, you know you may not be direct family but you're the only family I have left," I said raising the beer in my hand and we click them.
'I guess the memories have influenced me and I'm starting to feel like I've lived through the events of the previous host. I'll schedule for a therapist for tomorrow since I have that day off.'