(The rainy night has now gone dead calm with light drops of water. Mr White with a cigarette in between his fingers as he stared down to the ground. The Man, Allister and others with dilated pupils staring at him in awe, as Aaron's gun was releasing smoke from the tip of the bullet passage. Allister with fear in his eyes, with a pale facial expression, looked down at Aaron)
Allister : You missed[he said slowly]
Mr White : He didn't. This is to tell you that you are always at our mercy [he huffed and puffed at his cigarette]
The Man :You arranged this without any of my knowledge, we have things to talk about when we get back
Mr White : It seems you don't understand sire. [he walks up to The Man and leans on his right ear]
"You are also at my mercy" said Mr White
(*At that very instant a helicopter approached from a close distance and stayed right on top of The Man and virtually the entire scene*)
Mr White : You see I'm not a coward [he said taking of his coat, leaving himself with a black shirt inside.]
Mr White: I want..[he was speaking while folding his shirt]...your title
The Man : You betray me Betrand[he said looking at him in disbelief]
Mr White
Allister: Yes Bertrand
Mr White: First, don't ever call me Betrand. Second gather what's left of your living men and get on that helicopter. And third, do you understand?
Allister: Yes, Ber...Mr White
Mr White: Get on that Helicopter and move out
(A ladder dropped from the helicopter)
Mr White: The almighty Mr Goner [he said smiling]
you don't know to what extent you're being feared in the Alps, all the way to Japan and of course in The US.
Mr Goner : I took you in as my brother..
Mr White: [with a loud shout] AND I ALWAYS LIVED IN YOUR SHADOW!! Do you know how fucked up that is? Everyone knows Mr Goner no one knows White [now he was prowling round Mr Goner]
Mr Goner : So you sided with the Vades
Mr White :Of course I did
Narrator : Let me tell you how close these two are.
Mr Goner is a very skilled and technical Assassin who on a rainy day as this one, encountered a man who was hungry, homeless and ill. Mr Goner walked up to him and asked him "Hey mate, how what's your name". The man replied "Bertrand ", as he scratching his eyes and looking around.
Bertrand: Are you here to kill me?
Mr Goner: I only kill rich people, for now you're safe [he said with a smile and scrubbed the hair of the lonely man]
Mr Goner : Why don't you come with me
(One of his men walked up to him and told him)
His Man : Boss are you sure about this
Mr Goner : Of course, what could go wrong
(**Back to the present**)
Mr White : [smiled] I remember you made me your right hand man just after 3 days. For that i thank you, but now it's time. I challenge you to a blood covenant. (Allister who has now made his way to his seat on the helicopter looked down at his father.)
Mr White : Get this on video, tonight therr will be a new Mr Goner. (Betrand wails and ran towards Mr Goner and started exchanging blows. Mr Goner picked him up and threw him to the ground, kicked his nuts and beat hell out of him)
Mr Goner : You can't beat God [he said panting]
Mr White : Then I get someone to kill him for me[he said on the ground very injured. Then a trigger was pulled and there was a blood stain at the stomach of Mr Goner. He fell down on his knee and looked at Allister)
Mr Goner :[smiled and looked down] You seem not to understand. [he turns his back and faces Aaron] Man can't kill God. Because God all knowing, everywhere and all powerful. (Mr White looks at him in disbelief and so did the people up in the Chopper)
The pilot : Mr White the police are approaching
Mr White : Aaron shoot another bullet! [Aaron loads up his gun, and was about to pull the trigger when a hammer smashes his head. A young boy, who looked roughly 17, carries the hammer up on his shoulders, he had long hair that was tied to its back and dropping at the front with strands)
Mr Goner : You finally came Roman
Roman: Of course I did. TV got boring[he said with a calm voice]
(Mr White looked confused)
Mr White : Who is he?
Mr Goner: He was the one who gave you the contract to kill me and Allister[ he said smiling]
Mr White : What the fu....