They went in and no one was there- kageyama started to wipe all the blood off
While describing into grossness which made hintana completely loose in inside,
Hinata knew he wasn't gonna make it, He shoved himself in the corner of the bathroom and dug his head into his knees.
"It's so red and like gooey- almost like the other team haircut's" said kageyama cracking himself up as he looked backwards to see hinata shoved in the corner crying his eyes out
"Hinata!? What is wrong now?" Said Kageyama, almost laughing at the puny player in front of him, THe redhead covered his face deeper into his knees because he didn't want his crush to see him like this.
((Back at the locker room)) "Nishinoya?" Suga asked, tapping Nishinoya's shoulder, "Yeah?" He replied looking up at suga, "Can you check on Kageyama and hinata They have been in there for quite a long tim-" Suga got cut off by nishinoya " KAGEYAMA AND HINTANA IN A BaThROOM ALONE HAHahaha Shure i'll go check on em" said nishinoya in a excessively loud voice with tanaka chaotically laughing in the corner.Nishinoya jumped up from his seat and chaotily ran down the hallway to the bathroom. At this rate there were gonna be three guys in one bathroom, for a while WHICH SEEMED really sketchy to the team.
Kageyama jumped as the chaotic mess came jumping into the bathroom- but almost immediately stopped in shock of kageyama sitting in the middle of the bathroom and hintana in the corner crying, "h-hinata?! What happened kageyama?" Nishinoya said Looking as hot as ever, "YOU THINK I KNOW, I was cleaning my bloody nose and turned back to see Hinata doing all of that in the corner!" replied Kageyama as he motioned a point to Nishinoya, "HINATA YOU GOOD?" nishinoya had said, looking at the fellow teammate in horror.
The Tangerine looked up at the fellow player with tearful red eyes and a really scared face, "CRAP KAGEYAMA DO SOMETHING, It's hard to see him like this!!!" Said Nishinoya as he elbowed Kageyama to do something fast.
"WHAT, YOU THINK I'M GOOD AT PEOPLE FEELINGS, OH HELL NO" Kageyama replied, almost yelling at nishinoya. "We need SUGA!!" The two exclaimed at the same time, "NISHINOYA GO GET SUGA, FAST" said kageyama as opened the bathroom door For nishinoya to absolutely fling himself out of the bathroom, The youngin ran back to the team room almost snatching suga and explaining the story on the way to the bathroom.