Chereads / The Four Swords / Chapter 8 - Explanation

Chapter 8 - Explanation

Alina's voice wavered into the second stanza but she did not dare stop. "Lies told in castle tower, form an ever-growing wedge." The cloud turned grey and began to give off what looked like little bursts of lightning. The delegation of gnomes dropped their hands and started to open their eyes. King Berilo motioned for Alina to stop.

King Caderyn was outraged, "What is the meaning of this?" I can only imagine what seeing the image of yourself dying must feel like, especially when your neighboring kingdom is the one to show you such an image.

The gnomes all looked a little exhausted. But the King soon caught his breath. "I cannot interpret everything, but I can say what we know. The clearer the image is, the more certain that future is. I am fairly certain there will be fireworks tonight, but even if there are not the fireworks could have represented this party. I also know that although your culture considers this poem a history of your country, the stanzas are similar in structure to those of a gnomish prophetess who lived around the time of your kingdom's birth."

Calista shifted in her chair. I noticed my two friends still had their hands clasped under the table. Cali's weight shift made me see that her knuckles were white from how tight of hold Alina had on her. Maybe we should get the princess out of his meeting?

"The gnome you saw in the vision is one who has been expelled from the gnomish court. Hymenaeus is a distant cousin of mine and we suspected him of having something to do with my brother's passing. He is not to be trusted. He does like to sow discord and is probably the reason this poem triggered a vision. If he thinks that your poem is close enough to those of our prophetess, then he might use Princess Alina's eighteenth year as a catalyst for turmoil. I am ashamed to call him my blood. I am sorry, King Caderyn."

"Thank you for the clarity. Do you have any insight into… the last vision, King Berilo?" My sovereign's voice did not stammer, but I do not think he had a graceful way to bring up his own demise.

"I am sorry I do not." King Berilo's complexion was finally turning back to a color that would not raise suspicions in our court.

My father spoke for the first time. I had almost forgotten that all the swordsmen were in the room. "My King, do you know the woman in this vision?"

The king shook his head and looked toward the gnomes. He was met with blank stares there as well.

Lord Bleddyn, the twins' father, broke the silence. "She is known as Autarch, that is both her title and her name. She is the supreme Empress of the people of the dark magic of the mountains. Those we fought against for the freedom of Ensis. They call themselves the Norads"

I knew that Lord Bleddyn traveled as a merchant's son when he was younger. I can only imagine what he learned in his travels. How else would he know so much about these people?

The gnomes seemed unsettled. Some were looking in the direction of Alina, and others were heard saying things like "dark magic". The gnomes had obviously not seen Autarch in visions before. Murmurs from the delegation started to grow louder. I was glad to know that they all had voices.

Their king raised his hand and they all fell silent. He stared at Alina. I do not think he saw our Princess as a formidable future sovereign. "With this vision and the news of the Autarch to the north, I cannot allow my people to stay here. We will help from afar if we can, but I will not subject my people to that kind of magic. We will take our leave." With this King Berilo stood, followed by the rest of the room.

"Thank you for our meeting, good King. Safe travels." King Caderyn nodded as the delegation left the room.

Once the gnomes were gone, all air left the room. It almost felt like we collectively held our breath, not sure what the next moment would bring. The King sat looking bewildered.

"Please, friends, do sit. Gentlemen, join us." The King motioned toward Carrion and me. I sat next to my uncle and Carrion sat next to me. I caught a glance of Alina as I sat down. She no longer held her smile. She was scowling and toward her father.

"Father," Alina's tone was severe and sharp but she caught herself, letting her eyes and not her tone throw daggers. "My King, I know there is much to discuss, but before we go any further, I need to know for my own peace of mind, if there are any other foreign dignities in our employ for my so-called protection?"

"No." The king did not lighten his tone for his daughter. I felt that her mood might have come from his genetic pool and not Alina's mother.

The king turned more toward the side of the table where the swordsmen sat. I got the impression he did not want his daughter out of his sight, but she could be out of earshot for this meeting and he would not have minded. " If Alina's birthday is the catalyst for the events that we have seen, maybe it is best we start considering options on what we need to do next. We need to protect Alina."

"I think we need to have solid intelligence on the threat before we can make a plan of action, my king." My father spoke without hesitating. We needed more information.

The king sighed through a pensive expression. "Ah, and thus speaks the voice of reason. This council has much to think about, and a party to attend. Lord Holden, if possible can we send some of your men into the mountains to do some reconnaissance work?"

"It shall be done." Lord Holden always seemed a man of few words. It seemed odd to me since his clansmen that visited the court were usually the most gregarious of party guests.

"Good. Depart in the morning and please be gracious enough to attend the Princess' party." It was a royal command, but not a completely objectionable one. The king then turned to the rest of the table. "Tonight be cautious, but celebrate. We do not want the kingdom worrying something is amiss. This should go without saying, but do not talk about what we have seen tonight to anyone. The Princess and her council are dismissed."