[Part 1]
Another manor, places where wealthy enrich their life's at. The room staked against meaningless and usefulness, most people figured having many spaces was sure wasting the land hectare.
But, Family's Bjrök wouldn't think otherwise. Because they farmed slaves off market, giving them work and home.
They're sometimes overloaded with them, and so election day will eventually plowed once every few months or so.
In head quarter, where painting of her family hang. The table holding tower of paper. And each cabinet when open grass files after files.
And, sitting on very chair centering the room. Hunch back her work desk. Sassy eyeliner, slick black hair; cold gaze mentoring down anywho eyeing her's. As she called for someone.
From outside, one lady reply. She entered and stood still.
"Yes, mistress Violet, what may I help you?" She has the look of a maid. Glasses on, curvy figure and elegant beauty from toes to head.
"I've got mail by my cousin."
"Yes, mistress Violet, I'm happy for you."
Violet fell silent, then she break it up, "Sure, anyway, you know how many jobless slave with good grades are there?"
"In about, 50/113 excluding ones that forms sort family." She swiftly answer.
"If you include the one with families already?"
"Then, it'd be 100/113, for the most part because lots percentage were made out of children."
Violet palmed her face. In distress, she sign Julia to leave. Julia bow beforehand, and went back working again. Violet, fell deep in her thoughts.
(If Los Destro quarter squares for second block I'm going crazy. We've already hard time dealing with fools, and now mail from my cousin regarding his wife health...I've no other option.)
Julia crack the door and plop her head to peek inside.
"Yes, mistress Violet?"
"I'll have relocate you."
She furrowed but didn't seem dejected or hopeless. Instead, she had the look of determination. And so, Julia Amélie, was deployed down to her mistress cousin's house.
Julia took her bag back in her room, filling it with essential and clothing. Most of her wardrobe were that as well tailor maiden attire.
Then, took her wallet slipping through each pockets. Nodded.
Along the corridor, she visited room after room. Off seeing her colleague.
Old lady in her 50s but tattered with willpower, Samarita,"Oh, Julia—Good morning."
"Morning, Mrs.Samarita, uh...ah, I'm going!"
Samarita dazed confused,"What are you talking about?"
"I'm going to relocate elsewhere!"
Samarita turn her confused into one grin then smile, she hugged Julia tightly. Julia response back without hesitant. Both sparks quite a noise.
"Aha! I'm very happy for you!"
Attracted some others maid and butler.
Young lucid girl, her curly hair tied behind her head approach Julia and grabbed her hand. Behind her was presumably her friends. Julia recognize the face in a glance.
"No way you're relocating mrs.Julia! That's amazing!!" in awe; her eyes widen.
"I don't even know I'll have this opportunity."
"Damn! I'm in envy." She poof her cheek.
"You'll get there one day, Eibell, you aren't working hard enough."
"Owh! I did though."
Then, charismatic handsome looking man steps in. And lift Julia hand up to kissed. He glance over her face and smirk.
"No need to be this polite, Igor." Eibell pissed.
"Aha! hahahaha, "no need polite?" there's politeness to observe dear miss." Comment Igor.
Julia chuckle.
"Yeah, it's fine Igor, we'll meet one day probably."
"That's the reason. There is no!—Probably—for in my life dictionary."
They laugh after hearing it. Julia gather each and everybody, and step on a chair nearby,"Uhm...Today—today is my last day here, and I'm going to relocate for the better. I hope you guys prayed for my well being and I'll always pray for yours, thanks and if fate allows will we ever meet again!"
After her speech, she went away to Violet office and knocked the door.
"Come in," Invites Violet, as Julia walk Infront of her desk. She peeps over Violet papers."Here's your resignation form, fill it out then you see the other one behind?"
Julia pall lift and read the other form. She maintain her seducing looks, and were following each steps.
"I see."
"That's application for locomote your new relocations. Here," She hands Julia a pen."Once you've fill those out, you could proceed."
"I'm very thankful, mistress Violet. And I'm sorry if ever I had causes much trouble over my bide here."
"No need, no need. You've cause great fortune more than mischiefs. The one whom needs to be thankful was me," Resume Violet,"Jet's fuel is on me."
"I'm very thankful and grateful, I'll never forget your deeds mistress Violet." Julia smiles.
Therefore, she went out to the center hall. And pass through an entryway.
[Part 2]
She stood Infront of our doorstep. Calming expression, wears on fabric jacket; her clothing akin to what maids would've wear.
But there she was now. Gazing at Gälia, he also stood still seeing upon whom he opened for, before he was able to spoke—she bow before him.
"My name is Julia Amélie, from now your care is under my protection."
"Ah...ah?" Gälia flinch.
"Mister Gälia, I hope you welcome me inside."
"Wait—" He was cut by Maria.
"Let her in, Gälia."
Maria carried me on her arm, gazing down below towards both of them. Slowly we move from to the stairwell, and soon stepping closer onto the entrance.
Though, I didn't think most of this stuff is sufficient. Probably it'll crack my plan, and whatever Maria wanted to do now. I can't really head off, being superficial baby is quite a task.
Firstly, Gälia was determined not having any majority more than three people staying here. How you could've done that? like this manor was so empty, maybe filling up it can't bailed mess enough.
I wasn't quite sure why, but Gälia seemed uncomfortable having said there'd be more body around. Or, my best guess is he didn't wanna some girls distracting him from his wife.
Now how the fuck that actually make sense? Yes, I suppose if you're cool and hard hitting, rocking in each style—Im sure you'll have one heck of a great time—But he's not really paying much on it.
Unless, it was his problem. As myself was indeed a man, you can't resist woman other than your wife—under particular circumstances—and had them become your maid...that's just fantasy all and all.
And also, she looks stunningly beautiful. Curvy body, melon breast and glasses?! I see this as win-win situation, not only your wife agreed on maid this gorgeous but working under you as well?
If I was Gälia, surely my hand has no need of work out it'd always routing. But, ah, I'm still infant at this point. Once I get older, I wonder if her look would remind the same.
Her hair tied to high ponytail and was dark green. She then, pick her bag. As we arrived, her facial became more than just mere gorgeous but scandalous. Damn, just damn.
Might I say, she's a real deal. She looked over me, hah--hah--hah, so this is what it's like to have woman meet your eyes?
Maria smile,"Welcome in, Julia? isn't it?"
"Yes, Mistress." She bow, then retreat on still.
"—Maria, my name is Maria Zenith."
"Maria?!" Gälia shouted.
"Lutheran told your father to shut his mouth."
Okay then, I do have some use.
"Ah!—Ah!" I swung my arm around. Maria chuckle.
"Good boy."
I might've a mommy issues via Maria tolerance, ah! anyway. Probably it'll developed but I don't think I would want to have it that way.
Killing the time, they entered the kitchen area and sat across each other. What am I seeing some family drama unfold real time?
Documentary style but witty and uncool. To be honest, I do think she'd have some use around here. I'd rather seeing my mom spend less time clearing this manor alone than having her overwork again.
Julia smiles as she sees me.
"Oh, hello there, young master."
"Hm? ah, and this is Lutheran Kiflee, say hello to her. c'mon"
"Ah—" (Translation = Sup baby girl.)
"How old is young master Lutheran?"
"Few month old by now."
Technically I'm still superficial baby, but I'll have at her. She teaches me in early age meant somewhat remedies the idea of limitations in studies. Though, I'm not very sure if teaching baby would've work.
But she's lucky that I am the baby. Of course any people whose become children while their mind didn't change could've fold the same path as me.
"So, you'll start working here as a maid, isn't that right, Julia?"
"Yes, Mistress Maria."
Maria hand me over to Julia, and she hold me tightly. Bride style, carrying me near her breast. Once closer, I realized her breast was soft and marshes; pillow for extremely wealthy person.
I grin at her, of course being a baby my smile didn't make her disgusted. Being a baby, I said. To put somebody this beautiful next to you was man-size task but for child...is a children task.
She started to sway her arm back and forth. Well, in this situation one was sure to make babies joyous and entertaining.
"Good, it seems like you're really talented."
Maria you're going to piss her off. Her tone came out weirdly meek.
"Yes, thank you mistress Maria."
"You can start you work now."
"As you wish, Mistress Maria."
And so, Julia Amélie was from now on our maid at work.
[Part 3]
One year passes, I'm still baby and unable to walk but I could do few things now. Particularly, it was quite shocking that I learned to crawl that easily. Baby don't usually crawl until their age reached over Four year—well, but I'm not a baby though.
Maybe it's just this world I lived had capabilities like so, I mean if this indeed infact different world. Most if not all my accustomed practices were foreign concept entirely.
So, I see that some may become useless to actually try using. Firstly, we need to experiment with that type of thoughts.
Retrospectively, on concerned regarding things that's quite a fire in a water, it'd be had some scratch of safety. I didn't know pretty much everything yet but, I'll have trails and error if so.
Right now, Julia was doing well—with her around Maria hasn't had sudden black out like she was before, not only that her cook was insanely delicious.
My baby meal was immaculate. And appetizing to look at.
And our relationship is doing great. Though, I realized something, Julia skin is soft and tight. Her look isn't as mature as Maria but akin to young girl but, I saw her few times chugging whole bottle of wine at night.
She isn't short, I guess she was in her twenties. Young adult whom career was to be a maid. Come to think about it—Maria sent letter to whoever else, in about one month.
And she arrives two months later. It must've been far away from here, taking whole two months. What was she using?
I question some few things about how this world work contrast to mine. Fascinating as it was to gaze, their technology was otherworldly.
Well, indeed it was.
Like steam base but it had sort of electrical outlet going in and out. I saw this as Maria carried me while watching over Gälia fixing —What seems as— an outlet chipped.
Things also working haphazardly for both Gälia and Julia. He still dense with walls that wouldn't allow few glances to Julia. Like, what the heck? I guess that's is his way of refraining boundary between them.
While that was an oddity itself, I don't think there's any necessity over action he have committed. To be honest, that's more than what a man does.
This wasn't going to go away yet, but I guess I need sometime until I could've reach onto those book latches.
My plan is reorganize, with somebody that'll come handy I think this is going to be fun.
[Part 4]
Another year passes. It was the same but at least I was gaining new ability. Gälia had to change his routine for awhile now, Maria though, she was as motherly as she could get with me.
And so, my relationship with Julia is going well, she was ordered by Julia to clean up our library. She carried me along the way.
This is a perfect time for my plan to propose. It shouldn't be hard enough. Statically speaking, if I were her and my young master wants book I'll give him. Because, I was their maid and secondly, if not I could just cry out.
Maybe crying out isn't my best bet, I'm here to learn not to give somebody headache over babysitting a fucking seventeen year's old boy. Logical. But the foundation must come at cost.
So, in reality there must be a way to utilize my baby form.
Now that I think about it, my mom showed me a book there. It was title élan vital, unusual for me to read. But that because I was an infant, she ended up didn't teach me those subject.
Whatever élan vital was I'm sure it is important and main fruit from my life. Initially, I thought it might be just some random "mana" or magic system. It wasn't the case as I've never seen anyone at my house uses magic.
lay figure, my mother sickness. This was opposing my idea on if magic do exist and work. No avail. I'll have to wait.
As if now, Julia carried me along to our reading room. Oh Julia, as you're carrying me near your soft plump breast; I can't bug warmth from her. Though, she is quite stern in general.
At least now she ain't going anywhere.
"Young master, you're clinching my tits, please don't grow up perverted."
On our way there, okay-okay, I admit, I did grabbed tighter than I need to.
"You'll probably find somebody you like, then married them so that you could have their affection but you still have time to maneuver that, young master."
Ah, I've been heartbroken before. I don't think I could recover from that, sooner or later I knew somebody would've make me fall again but that's latter.
I don't really want to talk about love and affection. I was a shitty guy back then, my only beloved never look down on me. As days gone by, one by one kept falling.
They're no longer available for me...I'm no longer interested in them at first sight. They're the one coming back for more, expecting more.
At last, I'm glad they realize how unimportant I was. Finally kicking me out the house, though, they could've asked nicely. Still, would I just followed their order if not?
I hated them, I knew that. So why do question? Because maybe I'll done differently comparative to my initial thoughts.
But, I just don't think people need to care about me much, I hated that fact. Myself, I could grow up and I don't want them to invest their time on me.
It'll be one heck of waste. It will.
"I'm coming in..." as we entered the room. Julia softly said.
The room is a little dusty as the door cracked open. Julia look around and continue to walk up to Maria's desk. Whilst she's peering her head each book aisles.
She had an optimal expression wears on, she usually does get excited near the library. Somehow, it doesn't made her differ away from what I expected. She do have those book worm type of aura.
Or maybe it was just me. I don't know, it was the same as Maria.
While she place me down on the kids chair, she goes wandering like butterfly above flower, books there is. Like always, I need to wait few minutes or longer.
Until the time done, it wasn't anything to do. Whole reason for me not crying was because I don't intend to stress her out. And this was her comfort zone.
if I intrude her zone, she'll probably never brought me along to our library—ever again. Scary, to be honest.
So. When she arrives I'll have to sway my arms around. Trying to point out which things I wanted, first not milk, second not toys, third not shitting, and lastly not Maria.
"Can't believe she had whole volume of it."
Suddenly, at glance Julia's stacked with books on her arms. She brings out and place it on the table, in turn shaking the table as if she had just slammed onto it.
Thud; shackles me a little.
As cartoonish as it look, I couldn't say if I never does the same with manga or light novel before. But few volume cost my wallet away.
Now it's time to pull out my greatest performance!
"Wah!" I bailed out my arm. Instantly, she notices me.
"What is it, Young master?"
Keeping the act, I brushes off her reply and whirls my arms in circle. Nagging wasn't alternative, but for my secret weapon let's just kept it simple.
She didn't went off irritated by her look. She scuffed, and hugged me over her resting shoulder. But this isn't what I wanted. She then continue with her readings, glued down on each sentences.
Argh...I'll need to try it once again.
My second attempted, I tried twisting my body to certain degree. To move this child body especially when somebody carried, wasn't easygoing at all. But inevitably, interrupting her readings, she got work out and moved me.
To her other shoulder. Second attempted failed.
She do sounded rough as I struggled my leg and body around. It'll take more force of that to walked her.
"Young Master? what's wrong? Do you need something?"
Yes, the magic book. At point, I nodded my head, she furrowed her brow and last little gasps. Then, we stood from our sits to viewed around the room. I knew I doesn't have to wasted on crying as we took off my mother book racks.
Oh wait! no, not this one! the left one!
Suddenly, I burst out crying over. Julia softly cheer me up as she subtly sway me from side to side. I soon left the teary-eyed. And stop crying.
"Do you want mommy?"
No. Not yet, one thing though, when Maria breastfeeds me I can't help but felt like literal child. Weirdly, I can't really get my member hard too. I don't even have affection that high to her, I mean from my perspective she's just my mother.
Right, it isn't the time to wandered off milk or something like that. Either way, our objective is clear. Then, Julia start walking out the library.
No, shit, I can't let go of this opportunity!
"Élan!" I shouted.
Julia stunned— presumably by me— well in this case, yes, literally.
"Come again, young master?"
"Élan!" it isn't too fluent.
I can't help but just tried to call it out.
"élan? Élan vital?"
"Hm....so Young Master needed a book? likely it'd be Élan vital?"
"Alright then."
We got into the aisle where I knew this book located was. As we entered, it already flushed with old looking books. Not dusty but old.
She proceed to hunch over the rack and in the second shelf grabbed one thick book. Somehow she's strong enough to hold this while carrying me.
This is the book...And it just like what I imagine!
"You welcome Young Master."
And so, this isn't much but this was how I gotten my hand on extraordinary book, I've always wanted. And, I has the ability to talk— not fluently— but considering it is still understandable. I stand there.
Everyday she'd rest the book on the floor and had me reading it there, quite weird but if I was in higher place like the table, I could probably fell. And she was kind to teach me some basic words.
From that onward, Maria and Gälia was shocked to found out I could talk but it was their biggest moment so, as much as I want to say another thing. Ultimately, I had to say...
"Ah! Hahahaha! who's the cutest here!? Aha!"
They have extraordinary expression and reacted differently comparative to my old world but then again, I couldn't say for sure.
[Part 5]
Another year passes, I'm now five years old. And today, I'll learn élan vital.
After learning vocabulary and grammar I had to try giving it a go. I can't just stuck at this level. I'm gonna get better.
Of course, I knew some limit but man fuck it. But, this when I got into trouble. Magic is deadly.