Chereads / A Hero With/Out Time / Chapter 68 - Chapter 22: My ongoing headache. (Part 1)

Chapter 68 - Chapter 22: My ongoing headache. (Part 1)

Chapter 20: My ongoing headache.

I woke up the next morning to find the carriage empty. Even the beds where Marley and Lara had been were neatly folded as if no one had been there at all. I sat at the table inside the carriage and boiled some water, making tea. The soft fragrance and flavour wakened me fully. From the sunlight pouring through the windows it was the early morning. The trading vessel we had rode on the way here was still docked outside and I could see Pina stretching her legs around the carriage.

The door opened suddenly and Marley entered. It was honestly not who I expected. At times like this it was usually Taylor who appeared to greet me, sometimes even Lara.

"Tea?" I asked.

"Yes please," she replied politely and sat at the table as I prepared the drink.

"I'm glad to see you doing well," I said simply and sat down again.

"Thanks to you, yes," she nodded meekly. She sipped at her tea saying nothing and I was content to do the same, though from her expression it looked like she had come here for a reason. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" I questioned her honestly.

"I wanted to stop those pirates…. If I had just let it go no one would have suffered." She grit her teeth, "I-I just wanted them gone so badly."

"You really don't like bandit types do you?" I commented remembering how she treated the ones we had encountered before. There had been little to no mercy in her eyes.

"Of course I don't," she huffed. "They're the plague of the world. Demons or humans, looks like we really are the same to have them."

I didn't like them either. They were people who turned desperate enough to hurt others and the worst of them enjoyed it. Marley's hate however seemed to stem from more than just simple knowledge.

She gripped her cup tightly, "When I was eight bandits attacked my village and killed my parents. I remember it so clearly. My father opening the door and seconds later he was dead. They assaulted my mum, stabbing her again and again. There was blood everywhere. And then they came for me…. I got lucky and knocked one over with a bat. The other slipped on the blood covering the floor. Then I just kept hitting them over and over. Even when they screamed…, when they stopped moving…, even as my arms could barely rise… I couldn't stop." Her breath shook. "By the time the Kingdom's soldier's found me they were unrecognisable.

"No one in the village wanted to take me after that. They called me a monster. I couldn't help it… killing them, getting revenge as young as I was, it made me smile. As scared as I was, I wanted them dead for hurting my parents. Eventually the Church of the Goddess took me in." She looked at me, "It's not much of an excuse but… I just can't forgive people like them."

Her sudden story echoed in my heart. I shook my head, "No, I'd do the same." The truth was I had already done the same. While Axel was saved because of my death, I still sought revenge and in doing so I made sure the Imperium magicians died. If I couldn't have gone back…. "If someone hurt my family, if they did what they did to you, I'd hunt them to the ends of the world."

Marley's eyes shined a little, happy knowing I was the same. If Lara had been here she might have prattled on about forgiveness and a second chance. I was all for that, if they could prove they deserved it that is.

"What about the church?" I asked kindly. "You look pretty content to be a priest of the Goddess."

She nodded, "They loved me unconditionally. I won't lie and say I wasn't a violent child and I got into a lot of fights but in return they taught me how to heal and use magic." She smiled, "So no matter how hard I beat someone they wouldn't die." A shudder went down my spine. No matter how you tied it, that was still creepy and not a little bit sadistic. Although the church did help her in a way, I think they might have escalated her love of gore. After all with her ability to heal people there was little consequence of a few scraps and cuts.

"Well I'm glad you're on our side."

"Yes… thank you once again Rain," her smile turned sincere. "Next time something happens I'll rely on you again."

"Let's not take it too far," I sighed and stood up. "Anyway, you hungry?"

She nodded vigorously, her mouth already beginning to water. What I intended to be a small breakfast became larger as the others returned.


We left Reese the next morning. The ship needed some repairs and after all that happened there was a lot of questions to go round. In the end our story checked out and the Guards of Reese thanked us, though we did have to pay the repair cost for the dock I had destroyed. Thankfully by selling the pirate ship to the town we more than made up the value. The pirates themselves were secured and to be trialled and judged. For the brief moment we passed I could see a small trace of fear as they looked at me and astonishment that Marley and Lara were still alive. It felt good.

Our journey resumed on the same trade vessel we left Tona with. They were more than happy to have us on board and like that things settled down. It was peaceful on the ship and by now everyone had become used to the rocking of the river. If I had to say one thing was different it was my new daily ritual. In the morning before the others woke I'd sneak to somewhere no one would pass. There with no one around me I killed myself. It was odd how unhesitant I was. The knife in hand penetrating perfectly into my skull to kill me instantly with no pain. Before I even felt myself gone my vision would shift back and again I was standing alone, a knife in my hand.

It was a cruel ritual to do and I was very careful to make sure no one noticed. Even if it was temporary I didn't want Taylor or anyone else to see it. I knew just how crushing it could be to see someone you cared for die before your eyes. Still I continued to do it as we sailed. My hope was that it was my way of setting a new time to come back. The figure in the white room had told me it was seven days by default. Redoing seven days gave me plenty time to plan but it was tiring to go over the same day again and again trying to change nothing. The problem was I couldn't check unless something else killed me, a notion I wanted to avoid.

Two days passed on the ship as we made our way to the city of Citlia and more were to come. It would be the first Demon city we would pass through. Being the main trade hub for both the river and inland supplies, it was the perfect place to gather information before heading towards their capital and where we'd face the Demon Lord. Honestly I still rather we didn't. Aside from the occasion mutterings and the demons hating on the humans, they were pretty normal, relatively speaking of course.

I lounged on the railing of the ship looking out to the water. The river was incredibly wide and I could even see several large fish swimming beneath the surface. The temptation to pull out the fishing rods was high.

"Bored?" Ronalt asked me from behind.

I turned around to face him, still leaning on the rail, "A little. Not much to do here compared to being in town."

Ronalt huffed with a stiff smile, "I don't know how you do it."

"What do you mean?"

He looked around to make sure no one else was listening, "Being surrounded by all these demons. Don't you feel the least bit wary?"

"Hmmm." The truth was no. It might have been because I'd actually had plenty of contact with them all my life and aside from my initial surprise, it felt natural walking beside them. "I wouldn't say I'm wary, I just find it interesting mostly."

He laughed, "Then you're like Ardent." I frowned involuntarily, I wasn't that interested. Ronalt noticed and chuckled, "Apologies, Ardent is a special case. Still… I thought you at least would be under some strain."


He nodded, "You're from a far off town. Most in your situation have a very skewed perspective. As for the others, Earnest's home I cannot judge, Marley was raised by the church to accept all, Ardent is Ardent, Taylor… I'm not sure about her but from her raising in the Empire she's taking it in stride, as for Lara, the girl is too kind to be bothered by them."

"And you as the prince and Knight Captain are having trouble adjusting," I smirked. "Though honestly you're doing quite well. I haven't seen you slip."

"That's because I have been trained well. Internally however I am at times quite perplexed." I understood where he was coming from. Where we humans had our own differences, demons were all about their differences. Their actual culture wasn't too far from ours but the simple sight was enough to cause disdain in most.

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked genuinely. It wasn't like Ronalt to speak like this so easily. "Not that I mind of course."

"I needed to get it off my chest and you are easy to talk to," he smiled sincerely. It was hard to look at him in the eye.

"No problem," I replied while holding back my awkwardness. "So how does everything compare to the capital?"

He replied in an analysing tone, "Culture wise they are our equal if not more so. Their amenities are below our standards for similar sized areas however their unique characteristics make for a powerful workforce. Public safety however is lacking. From my investigations and our experiences it is quite difficult to move from town to town without a caravan or transport."

I didn't expect such a clear response and nodded impressed. While he had complained about being stiff around the demons before, he was still doing his job earnestly and taking notes. Despite him not being in line for the throne I believed he'd make a good King.

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