I ended up being an hour late to work. Mainly because I had to go with my dad to his hospital appointment. He has been having really bad back pain lately and I had to practically force the man to go see his doctor.
Why are men so hell bent on not seeking help.
My head was buried in my hone as I walking throught the campus. I was answering emails from numerous different people. Parents and other staff taking up most of my inbox.
I pushed the doors to my office open not prepared for the scene before me.
Sitting at the table was Bryony and Hannah with Theo rubbing Bryony's back as she cried into a pile of tissues.
Well this isn't good.
/"can you give us a minute/" I asked the two waiting to personally speak to bryony. As the person who suggested her to take a few tests I was more than knowledgeable on what was going on.
Hannah grabbed her tablet and left the room. Theo touched my arm before following Hannah out.