/" Promise me you'll be better. I dont care what your doctor says, that woman is controlling you/" i said, clenching my teeth.
He tiled his head back letting out a small laugh /" i knew you didnt like her, it's okay i dont consider her anything more than my nurse/"
Thank fuck for that.
/"I brought this from home, mom wants you to have it/" i pulled out the small album out from my bag.
He grabbed it and opened up the first page. /" i remember this day you know. Its hard to believe that you hated swimming when you were younger/" he said turning over the page.
He was in his own little moment as he flipped through the pages. I took this time to walk around the room.
I picked up a frame that laid on the table.
/" where did you get this?/" i asked picking up the familiar picture. It wasnt that i had seen this picture before but recognised what the picture was of.
I felt him walk up behind me. /" oh that, i took it/"