It was pulsing through my veins. My breathing was heavy and staggered and my skin stung from the amount of salty tears falling onto it.
He killed my mother.
I knew he didn't do it directly, the memory of my uncle shooting my mother's brains out is something that I could never forget.
But he was the reason.
He was the reason my mother wasn't shoe shopping with me, or making breakfast, or gossiping about cute boys in high school with me.
He snatched my life within an instant.
At this point I was like a corpse. My limp legs were sprawled across the floor and the bed held my back up. Shards of the broken vase and scattered rose petals surrounding me.
How long was I here?
I wasn't sure but it was dark outside now.
Xavier's face came into my mind. His round lips, his curly hair, his sharp jawline. His murderer eyes.
He was sorry. I scoff out loud.
How pathetic.