Elena Colton
/"You stupid idiot Elena/" Kelly my bestfriend just got back from her concert and now she is currently looking at me with her killer looks
/"Why me?/"
/"Why did you decide to help him?/" She asked and sighed big time
/"That's the only way for me to spend time with him before I decide to stop Kelly/" I said and she looked at me sadly
/"Elena.. it will hurt you more/"
/"After spent time with Aiden 2 days ago photo hunting make me realise that he really likes Cynthia/"
/"See stop spending time with him/"
/"Maybe after helping him with Cynthia , I will stop. Maybe.. I just don't know/" I threw my body to my bed
/"Why are you doing this? Just because you want to be close to him but the fact is that you can't reach him Elena!/" Kelly burst angrily and I turned my head looking at her