I would take delight in watching him suffer. ‘‘I may reconsider spanking as a hobby if you keep this shit up.’’ He sounds annoyed which doesn’t even nearly faze me. I have learned that his danger tone is a complete contradiction to this and sparring is just plain annoying him and nothing more. It’s when he sounds eerily unemotional that you have to run.
‘’Kinky. I might be into it.’’ I jest huskily in a bid to make him more pissed. He hates it when I flirt even if it is in sarcasm and I can almost imagine those pale greys darkening to stormy steel right now. I figured out that his eye colour changes slightly per mood, so yet another of his tells in my little notebook of useful facts. I have a mental list titled ‘signs that I am annoying Alexi’ which is outlined in hearts and stars.