/"Howdy. You sure are a pretty little thing./" They almost say it in unison, with a very odd accent for Carrero men. Slightly southern and not native to Vegas or New York which makes me blink twice, and it’s obvious it’s an empty compliment from two men wondering why their cousin just made an extra point of introducing a girlfriend.
I assumed all Carrero men came from the same batch and would all have that little half hint of an authentic Italian accent hidden in the upper-class New York dialect, like Alexi.
Introductions are made between everyone, polite hugs and handshakes before we are all finally seated and the men almost instantly jump into talks about the casino, they have been scoping out here. It’s obvious they have done the groundwork for Alexi and I sit and mull over the menu to let them talk. Feeling that overbearing weight of ‘women shall not be heard’ coming over from that side of the table. Introductions forgotten.