I push down the swell of nerves building up inside of me, relax a little that at least she isn’t yelling and telling me to fuck off, and stand by the door waiting to see if I should come in. I’m hesitant and wary, knowing she can be unpredictable and the last thing I want is another fight and scope her bedside for missile launchable implements she may feel a need to send my way with that psycho aim of hers, and see nothing that will hurt much.
/"Why would I want to do that?/" She answers quietly, huffily, without glancing my way and I hear her sigh. I do too, powerless to resist her and suddenly overwhelmed with the need to wrap her up and squeeze her to death. I hate when she’s upset, I hate when we are not okay even more. It makes me feel like crap too and the ache in my gut reminds me what a shithead I’ve been with her lately. Sophie deserves a lot better from me. I’ve been neglecting her and letting her down far too much these past two years.