---I felt like my heart was beating for the first time-02
After throwing up, Jake had no strength left in him to keep standing, and he fell on the floor, his knees hurting from the strong impact. His half-closed eyes stared at Jeremy who was rushing to clean up. /"Leave it. I can do it myself./"
Instead of saying anything, Jeremy simply glared at him and then chose to ignore him. After cleaning the floor, he sat next to Jake, both leaning against the cupboards. /"Did you sleep well?/"
Jake nodded. /"Mhmm./"
/"Are you hungry?/"
Jake shook his head.
/"You still have to eat something./"
/"I… I saw her last night./"
Thinking that Jake was talking about visiting his mother or even hallucinating her because of the drug’s effects, Jeremy didn’t think much of it. /"She is…/" he started to say, but Jake shook his head, before looking at Jeremy with the corner of his eyes, his lips curved in a faint smile.