/"Benjamin, you can't be standing./" I shouted but he shook his head. /"Please go back to bed you going to hurt your-./" Before I finished talking he fell on the floor.
/"Benjamin./" Damien shouted as we both helped him up. /"You seriously going to kill yourself because of an injection./" Damien complained as we got Benjamin back into bed.
/"You bleeding./" I panicked. /"Damien call the doctor./"
/"Sofia, stop overreacting. I'll be fine, I'm just hungry./" Benjamin gave me a weak smile. /"You think you can ever get rid of me so easily. I'm Benjamin Carson the only son ofGod I have a baby brother now, I forgot about him. Even if I die at least my father has another son now./" He tried laughing but he stopped. /"I heard you say you will leave the kids./" He whispered. /"Are you fucking crazy. They are our kids, not mine only./"