This is Harry guys
Everyone thinks I'm a wizard, so let's test it!
Today, I'm gonna tell ten facts about you-
1. You're reading this right now.
2. You're realising that is a stupid fact.
4. You didn't notice I skipped three.
5. You're checking now.
6. You're smiling.
7. You are still reading this even though it's stupid.
9. This time you realized I skipped eight.
10. You're feeling smart.
11. You didn't realize that it was only supposed to be ten facts about yourself.
So you see guys, I ain't no wizard. Yeah, I do some magic here and there sometimes to make things go my way.
Just kidding.
You know what I'm thinking- According to all that I witness nowadays, I think that humans are evolving.
Maybe in the near future, humans won't look like anything how they do now.