The first week back in class was for some reason more stressful than the three years before, put together. I got the syllabus for each class, and it was a lot. I needed time to design for the new line. Cleo had been working nonstop since we landed in New York. She had a few meetings, none of which I could go to because I was in class, but she said they didn’t need me for those. She did say I was going to have to find some time though because we needed to meet with people for the fabric and things like that were not her forte. I told her I would find the time. She also had a website done. All but the name of course, because I couldn’t seem to think of one and that was driving me crazy. /"We have to figure it out before we can order actual inventory, Maddy./" She had told me on Wednesday, when we opened the box with samples of my designs in it.