Valentina Point of View
/"Can you stop fooling around? I’m vexed with your attitude to be honest./" When I say, Arsenio Swine Garcia is the slummiest pig in the whole world, then it would be a great understatement.
He just likes to fool around and take life as a game. Except, he takes other’s lives as game and he is the player.
/"You started it./"
/"No you did./"
/"You were the one who tried to sabotage my business by purchasing those shares./"
/"Then you shouldn’t have humiliated me on the dance floor the other day./"
/"I was making things clear between us just so you do not fall for me again. It would be hard on my part./"
/"How chivalrous! You don’t have to worry about it. I will never fall for you. Even if you were the last pig in the world, I prefer you as pork barbeque better./" I wonder if he is even fit to be a barbeque meat.
Nah, he is too thick skinned to be a better meat.