Parker Gray
We walked out to the car and made Patton move to the back. He told me to get bent, making me smack him upside the head. I’m still pissed at him for breaking my hand. I had to wear a damn cast for three months.
Paxton gave me a freaking concussion on top of it. Yeah, I got even with their stupid assess and beat the hell out of them for it. Pops ended up with a broken nose when he tried to break it up. It’s not my fault. He should have listened to Payton.
Selena sat in the front seat with me. My twit brothers sat in the back seat, grumbling about getting relegated to the backseat. Suck it up, buttercups. It’s my car, my rules.
We pulled into the parking lot and got out. I looked at Selena. /"Stick close to us, and you’ll be fine,/" I advised her.