Mad doesn’t even explain things
After the stunts my sisters and Piper pulled, I was beyond furious. I figured Piper, of all people, wouldn’t lie to me. I was wrong.
Things at home were tense. I wasn’t talking to anyone. What was there to say? I went to school, then home. That was it. Since my parents grounded me, what else did I need? Not much.
The incident also pissed off Daniel, Maverick, Major, and Mia. They weren’t only pissed but also hurt. I couldn’t blame them. All it took was for one terrible judgment call, and things spiraled out of control.
All I knew was I’m tired of it. Why do my sisters’ mistakes have to reflect on the rest of us? None of it made any sense.
While I stayed in my room, my sisters had to deal with the outcome of what happened. My sister’s significant others or potentials weren’t talking to them, and they didn’t know what to do.