After returning to school, my work kept calling me, demanding to know when I was returning to work. My answer was still the same. I’m not sure, but that wasn’t good enough. I’m sorry, but I didn’t ask for a co-worker to attack me right before Christmas.
Lucille, Grayson, the guys, and my parents watched me pace back and forth in the Gray’s living room. I enjoyed working and needed the money for school, but I didn’t feel safe working at the grocery store.
/"Patty, if you’re uncomfortable with returning to work, then quit,/" Dad told me.
I stopped. /"But I need a job. School won’t pay for itself./"
/"But you received a tuition grant and scholarships. Plus, your dad and I talked, and we can help you with the minor expenses,/" Mom told me.
/"But I enjoy working./"
This conversation was getting us nowhere. Everyone gave me every reason to quit, and I countered.