Some things never change, including birthdays. Oh dear god
With our birthdays coming up, that meant one thing, a joint birthday celebration. That also meant an engaged Emma and I, along with other issues boiling and uninvited guests.
/"Why didn’t you tell me?/" I asked her.
/"It’s no enormous deal,/" she sighed, sitting on my bed as I paced back and forth.
/"It’s no enormous deal? It’s always an enormous deal,/" I said, taking a seat next to her.
I bet you’re wondering what the commotion is. It turns out Emma and her sister share the same birthday as me. As in, we were born on the same day, January 5. That means we’re the same age.
I only found this out because she had me get something from her purse and found her ID. Then again, going into a woman’s purse is scary as it is. It’s like the black hole you never want to see. How much can someone keep in that thing? Anyway, it brings us back to the here and now.