Frazier, you idiot!
Frazier walked up to the door and had us stand to the side.
/"Frazier is so going to screw this up,/" Jordan whispered to Ryan.
Frazier turned and waved at them as they waved back and smiled.
/"Yeah, he will screw this up,/" dad whispered back to Jordan.
Frazier gave us a thumbs up with a goofy grin as he waved and smiled. Then he turned back to the front door and then a girl answered it, /"Can I help you?/"
/"Is Emma here?/" Frazier asked.
The girl arched an eyebrow at Frazier as she asked, /"Who’s asking, and aren’t you too old to be going to college?/"
/"Who me? Nah, I already graduated years ago,/" Frazier said.
/"Yeah, you look pretty old,/" she said with a look.
/"I’m not that old! I have kids your age that go here,/" he exclaimed.
/"Ew, gross, and you’re here picking up girls old enough to be your daughter. What are you a perve?/" The girl exclaimed.