Mr. Mysterious and all that jazz
After they released me from the hospital, I returned to school a few days later. Everyone hovered, but I assured them I was okay. Although I wanted to do some bodily harm to those two imbeciles. What kind of man puts his hands on a woman? Well, a proper man doesn’t, that’s for sure. It was the way they raised me. I don’t know.
After joining at the hip with the boys most of the day, I needed some breathing room. Not that I didn’t love my family, I did, but I felt smothered with how protective they are.
I decided during my free period to go outside to sit on the bleachers alone. I needed air; staying inside was making me way too claustrophobic. I took a seat on one bench and leaned back. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I let the warm sunshine hit my face, and it felt fantastic on my bruises.