Let’s try this again, will we?
Classes were going well, albeit with a few minor bumps the past few weeks. The weather was getting chilly, which meant fall was underway. In a couple of weeks, homecoming would be upon us. It’s not that I hate dances. It’s that something always happens to them. Plus, homecoming is a big deal with the college crowd.
I enjoyed a peaceful slumber when I felt someone jump on me, causing me to make an /"oomph/" sound.
/"Morning, sunshine,/" a familiar voice said.
I peeked through one eye to see Scarlett on my back. I was getting used to her ambushing me as I slept. Ever since we had that kiss, nothing else happened as nothing, nada, zero, zip.
I turned over as she maneuvered herself to where she was sitting on my stomach.
/"And what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?/" I grabbed my clock and looked at it. /"At eight in the morning?/"
/"Well, I thought we could go to breakfast,/" she grinned.