/" thank god I'm having a good space bro/" Taylor said
/" don't try and mess with me now cause I'm gonna sleep or else ya know what happens/"Gilinsky said
/" you can go to sleep now,well it already near to be morning but when we arrive to the hotel, you can go to your rooms/" Andrew said
/" thanks man/"Cameron said
/" here are the bunks, we have on this side and the other on this side/" Andrew said
/" I'm taking this/" everyone yelled but gilinsky took the one and on the other side Madison
Stass and Claudia to the other side of the bus and took the same places like gilinsky and Madison but in different section
I went to the side where Stass and Claudia were
/" can I have on the 2nd level matt?/" I asked
/" nope take the 3rd/" matt said
I huffed loudly as Sammy laughed
/" look who I'm gonna wake up to each morning!/" I said as i climbed to the 3rd level and Shawn was on the front bed