Chapter 21 - It's Cock Slammin' Time!

"But you mean you want to..." Jake trailed off.

"Just z-zip it for now," Eiltris stammered, waving him away in embarrassment. "We'll talk about it later."

He was so flustered that he didn't know what else to say. Instead, he remained silent, not knowing what to make of her sudden confession.

"Let's just hunt the kraken for now," Eiltris said, finally recovering. "How for do we need to travel?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure myself. I don't even know if it exists, to be completely honest, so it's a bit of a gamble," replied Jake. Obviously, krakens wouldn't spawn a few kilometers away from shore, unlike in-game, where the maps are limited in size. "Sometimes, not taking the risk is the risk itself."

She sighed, resting her head on her hands. "That would make sense in literally any other situation. And even if the kraken exists and you managed to beat it without my help, there is no guarantee you'll win the contest. And so what? You get the princess, but you've already got Alea. And me..." she added quietly, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Ahahaha. There is nothing better than waking up surrounded by countless beautiful naked women lustful over me. That dream of mine is worth risking everything."

She rolled her eyes slightly, then sighed once more. "I'm not that type of girl..."

"Not yet, but eventually. I apparently got some cursed crazy spirit or whatever to love me after showing her the power of my cock."

"Ahh, ju-just be quiet. Don't say that stuff; it's weird," Eiltris protested. "And stop making faces like you're telling a dirty joke."

"Whatever. But let's go!" Jake declared as he hopped onto a table in front of them, ignoring Eiltris' protests.


They stood at the shores of Ludron, near where he had met Alea. The waves were calm and gentle, with an almost calming effect on him. He was well aware that this was a battle against something powerful enough to kill him if unprepared for it, but with his newfound strength, he felt confident.

Eiltris crouched down and aimed the bow directly toward the ocean water, imbuing her arrow with an icy mist. She turned to face Jake while doing so, who took a knee next to her, hand raised in preparation.

With a swift yet noiseless release, the arrow spread ice into the sea, causing a thin frozen path to grow from the surface of the water. A frostbite-blue shimmer reflected off the surface, creating ripples in the otherwise clear water below.

"This should do," Eiltris said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "It holds at least thirty people. Easily."

"Okay, let's go then!" Jake exclaimed and walked on top of the ice path.

It wasn't hard at first. Eiltris created it in such a way that they could walk on it without even noticing that it was there, but as they progressed further and further out from the shore, the path began to become more brittle. Soon they were walking on shards of ice that broke under their weight.

"Whoa," Eiltris gasped as she lost her footing for a second.

Jake caught her in mid-air, hugging her tightly in his arms as she landed on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck for support. "Are you all right?" he asked in concern as he kept her close.

"Yes. It was nothing." She pushed herself away, returning to her normal posture but remaining close by Jake's side. "I better fire another arrow."

She reached back to her quiver and released another arrow in quick succession before turning around again.

"By the way, could you tell me a bit more about yourself? Like, your life before coming here?" Jake asked, keeping his eyes fixed on the path ahead of them. "I'm just curious."

"I can tell you about my life before coming here. It was rather boring." She sighed softly. "But I guess I've lived quite a bit since then."

"Really?" He looked at her curiously. "You look pretty young, though?"

"Oh no," she said with a laugh, "I'm already 174 years old."

Jake's jaw dropped in disbelief. "I knew elves lived for longer but isn't the average life expectancy one hundred something for elves? You look like you could play the role of an high-schooler."

"I'm not sure what that means, but sure, thanks. Elves have far more diversity compared to humans. Some live for a hundred while others go on for almost a thousand. In general, though, the average lifespan is around two hundred years. Elves from my home, Anslenora, usually last much longer than the average."

"Anslenora!? You mean the place with the turquoise leaves and extremely verdant landscape? I've always wanted to go there!" Jake gasped in shock at her answer.

"Oh really? Why, though? It isn't very interesting," she said with a smile. "Don't tell me it's solely because of the girls."

"Uhm, well... It is."

"Don't start that again—"

Suddenly, from the depths below, they heard the sound of a beast thrashing its body against the ice. The ice cracked and broke as something significant moved under its surface.

Jake felt the ground beneath his feet tremble. "I-Is that it? Is it here?"

"There it is," she replied calmly and without hesitation, aiming her bow at the surface of the water. "Go, deal with it. You had the plan to defeat it, didn't you? I'm only here in case something happens."

"Got it." He turned around, staring at Eiltris. "But there is something that would make my plan far easier."

She blinked in confusion and turned away from the water, looking at him with a mixture of surprise and excitement on her face. "What?" she mused softly.


She tilted her head and blinked a few times in surprise before turning back to him, letting out a small laugh. "Is this really necessary?" she asked.

"No, but it sure as hell would be convenient. And you don't mind, do you? After all, you mentioned that elves walk around naked, and you've already lent me your dress without hesitation."

"I assume it was something to do with your Lust ability?" she asked, pulling off her cloak and sliding her arms into the dress. She lifted it up from the bottom, revealing her charming body, her sweet nipples slightly stiff from the cold. "Panties too? But you've already seen pussy before, and I would prefer not to hold on to all my clothes."

"I guess you weren't lying when you said it's custom for elves to be naked in public," he said, feeling his true weapon throb out of his underwear.

There was only one weapon in his arsenal, more mighty than cock slam: An erection-powered cock slam.

"It's fucking cock slammin' time!"