Issac say the least..very confused..god pulled him out of his rather successful lifestyle and placed him in charge of…Humanity itself
Angel:I can't believe he did that..well your in charge can basically do whatever you want and don't interfere with nature-
Issac gave a person named kyle, fire manipulation
Issac:if I'm gonna be up here..I'm gonna have fun on my own terms…
Issac summoned a TV and saw how the man named "kyle" was burning buildings, people and law enforcement down to the ground
Isaac:okay you got your a hero…
Issac gave a women in her 20s the power of ice and electricity
Issac:hehe….oh and her name is Samantha
Samantha had started to attack Kyle and quickly overpowering him
Kyle was bloodied and battered…
Cop 1:good job young let's go to the police station-
Suddenly a huge shadow started to cover their vision
It was a giant bear…with powers
Safe to say humanity is gonna have to adapt again…
Issac:wait what family… and friends..
It showed all 5 of them hiding in the house..
Isaac gave them all except one…
Jake -dad power:earth manipulation
Sam -mom power:flame blades
Yuri -sister power: chronostatis
Emma -sister power:vines
Charlotte -sister none
The reason he did this was because he always disliked her..for teasing and messing with him all of his life..even if he did make it in the end..
Issac had summoned some coffee while enjoying the show
Issac sent monsters all over the world/powers
Issac summoned big monsters near Samantha
Samantha pov
Damn these things are strong… did we even get these powers…and monsters..I thought they only existed in fiction..did god..abandon us…
Just as she said that a few bug monsters crashed next to her
3 of them started to claw and spit poison at her
Random guy with power was shooting water at a giant but was crushed into the ground, hearing a splatting noise
Kyle had grabbed her and started running towards a ppl filled with other survivors…
They quickly got in and had to catch their breath
Mike:well anyone wanna talk….this is..pretty crazy
Luna:yeah…I…I don't know what to think anymore…
With Issac
Issac was smiling and seeing everyone being torn apart, crushed, smashed really made him happy..for some reason..
Issac summoned a rock and threw it down towards earth
Jane had killed the rest of the monsters while not that many people were left
Whistling was heard and hit the ground, exploding
Issac:maybe that was a bit much…meh they are fine
After that..people started to was no longer of it was gold and the gold came from the monsters..on top of that a council was formed to take me down…lol fucking normies..should I go down..nah let's wait for awhile..I gotta send a stronger monster
With the citizens who were still unease about the new change of the system…but lived with it no less..
Suddenly the ground begin to crack and a giant earth worm appeared and it was by no means small…
It had tentacles and the ability "bloodlust" which could use its superior level..
Knight has sent flame at it but was crushed..
Yuri was on the scene and used chronostatis on the beast restraining it..
Yuri had closed her palm, crushing the beast
Jake had spikes come out the ground to stab it with Sam cutting it in half with flame blades..
/EarthWorm has been defeated
60,000K exp has been accumulated\
Jake was happy..but remembered that is other daughter didn't have an ability…
Yuri:hm..that was easy
Business man:congrats on the victory..could you please bring your family we have something to talk about…
Jake, Sam, yuri, Emma,charlotte had showed up…
Business man:so..we have detected a large power source in the sky..
Jake:wait huh?!
Evelyn who was one of the top ten in the rankings…
Evelyn:well how about we just…go up there and get rid of it
Councilman:it's not that simple..we can't simply go up there and kill god..he could possibly be listening..
Isaac was in front of them but his face was covered
Issac:well mortals, how do you like my gift-
Evelyn used her ability explosion to violently rush at the so called god but had multiple spears sticking out of her body…
??Issac??:how ungrateful..I gave you all powers..and you try to attack me with my own gifts..I'm deeply upset
Evelyn:you..attacked humanity..
Yuri had sued chronostatis on him but it was broken
Isaac:you think that ability makes you a good or smth???
Issac thrusts his hand into her stomach and rips the ability out of her and putting it into charlotte
The wound instantly healed tho..
Issac:welp that's all I had..if you attack me I will send a lot of monsters..k? BYE!
Issac had teleported
Business man:shit
Jake:I-I couldn't even move..
Evelyn was pulling the spears out of her body and healing herself
Sam:well..that went…well…
(Pretty long huh :3)