My mom yelled my name angrily and told me to get ready for school I quickly stood up combed my dark blue curly hair and got ready for another horrible day at GILES WOLVES SCHOOL...
unlike, everyother were wolf, I was unable to howl I was very dissapointed and upset with myself and the shame i brought to my parents being the only child I was called names from other wolves like howless was my nickname they would throw stones, due to the fact that my dad couldn't bear the embarrassment and shame he insisted that my mom drove me out of the town but she refused she thanked GOD for her little half wolf then my dad left the house without a single word my mum was very upset I could feel it but she didn't want me to feel discouraged, I would see her struggle for my fees. Then I swore to always have a better and good results in school than anyone else to encourage her that her good work wouldn't go in vain, but... Unlike everyother wolves I could posses a full human body, when i asked my mum why I could posses a full human body and others could only posess a half part of a human body, she would tell me I was special and gifted naturally, I always believed her looked up to her, until on my sixteenth (16th) birthday it wasn't just an ordinary 16th birthday I was starting a new life, Meanwhile my mum had a call, it was our mingan she wanted my mum to bury me alive but my mum couldn't and declined and they said they were coming to take me away, my mum was very scared so during breakfast with my mom she asked 'ASHINA would you like to go to the human realm. I was shocked because she would always warn me about the human realm saying it was a world filled with evil but I had always craved to explore beyond the Lupe's valley(WOLVES VALLEY)but I couldn't, I replied yes mum, but you said.... she stopped me before I could even finish my sentences she told me to pack my things that I was living immediately she never told me why, i quickly went upstairs packed my belongings and then I ran downstairs my mum gave me an application form to a school called RIVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL i was shocked to see she has even gotten me an application form. I was about to move out when suddenly I heard a hard knock on the door, my mom told me to escape through the tunnel and not return back I was really scared I asked my mum who there where she told me there where are friends, I did as she told and left. Suddenly the door broke down with it pieces on the floor, please don't kill me 'said mom' where is your cursed daughter, bring her here, check the whole building for the little wretch "said the wolves chief" to the wolves guards my mum knelt and begged but they refused to listen to her, a few minutes later the wolves guard came and said Sir this house is empty there is no body here,the chief was very angry and he took one of his swords and pierced it through my mum's stomach and he said to her dying body if you had just listened you wouldn't have ended up like this they all left.
Meanwhile I was feeling uneasy so I went back to the house only to see my mum's dying body I quickly through my belongings and ran to her ' mum who did this to you mum', I cried my heart out, my mum managed to safe some energy and she said take the bag under the woods there is a bag of money there use it for your upkeep in the human world then she gave me an address to a house protect yourself she said and passed out... I watched as her half human body takes the body of a full sized dead wolf, mum! mum! I yelled pls don't do this to me i cried bitterly take me with It when I was done sobbing, I Carried her on my back and buried her at the back of our old cottage house as it rained very hard tears and the rain drops making my gown visible I stood up and said to my mum grave who ever did this to you will suffer 10x what they did to you, I left for the human realm