Perpetual called Mr. Ethan
Perpetual: Hello, Mr. Ethan
Mr. Ethan: Girls, is everything okay?
Perpetual: Everything's fine, we have Mizere and she's an imposter
Mr. Ethan: Eric is already there
Eric appeared
Eric: I'll take care of her, now go do the mission
The girls ran downstairs, they saw Gloria and the Prince dancing together. Joel and the Princess were also dancing together. Just then, the emergency alarm blew and everywhere was red. More terrible Villains arrived
The Girls: Totally Spies, We can't be stopped
The girls were in their spy suits
The Boys: Strong Spies, we've got the power
The boys were in their spy suits, the Villains began to attack them
Precious: How many are they?
Ann 10, they're 20
Perpetual: Wow, that's a lot
The girls and boys began to fight the Villains, Dr. Ruin took the Prince and Princess away. 10 minutes later
Elvis: 15 down, 5 more to go
Michael: Where's the Prince?
Kurt: And, Princess?
Ann: Gloria, where's the Prince?
Gloria: I was a little busy
Joel: I forgot about the Princess
Elvis: These are so much work to fight with
Precious removed a lipstick and shock all of the Villains
Precious: They're all dead now
Perpetual: Let's go find the Princess and Prince
Joel: I have hacked Dr. Ruin Ship so we'll know where they are soon
The boys and girls were running from the Palace, they were in the woods searching for them when Dr. Ruin came with them
Dr. Ruin: Get me the crowns and I'll set them free
Prince: Don't do it
Michael: Anyone with a Plan?
Gloria: No, Plan today
Joel: Dr. Ruin, don't u think we can work together as a team?
Dr. Ruin: Of Course, u were 8 now. Where's the 8th one?
Kurt appeared at the back of Dr. Ruin and used a stone to hit his head, Dr. Ruin fell to the ground