They entered Atsushi and came to the king's palace with their hands tied and their eyes closed
The soldier walked them slowly on the red carpet until he reached the king 286
The king asked them about the plan they used to tame those glowing dogs and that there was someone who ordered him to gather and attack. 287
The king orders to raise the veil over their eyes, and he addresses Atsushi, we heard your name from your friend, who is one of your soldiers, that he is military, we found him dead, as if he had fallen from a plane 288
Akemi rejoices, he is the pilot Shino, who was with my daughter. They were on board the airship. Perhaps my master was shot down by enemy fire. Is he alive? 289
And is my daughter with him? The king replies to him: He is alive, but your daughter was not with him
Do you mean the girl, Akemi? Atsushi replied, "Yes." The king asks Akina to talk and asks her what's the matter 290
This pilot is with that girl. Akina replies, trembling with fear, that my daughter was looking for a dream knight 291
The king shouts: So this pilot is the knight and the commander of the soldiers
Atsushi speaks Sir, they were on a journey, the king shouts at him, how do you let that knight kidnap your daughter
Atsushi remains silent and speaks to Akina in a low voice: Does she want to steal his heart, or does he want to steal hers? 292
Akina replies that she is looking for it
The king asks the soldiers to throw them into the underground dungeon 293
Atsushi asks the king to pardon them and that the girl Akina is the one who kidnapped this pilot and his downfall is evidence of that
The king asked to bring them back and bring the pilot, Shino 294
The soldier brought Shino while he was tied by the legs and hands with iron chains and dropped him on the ground
The king asks him do you know them
Shino replies: Yes, this is Akemi's father and that is her mother 295
King: Were you her husband?
Shino: No sir, she asked me to go with her to her village to teach her how to climb the balloon 296
The king laughs and says that balloon fell and you fell with it