They stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. 'What are we going to do guys?' 'I-I don't know.' 'We're fucked.' said Gordon. Soon a boy and a girl swang all the way across to meet the monster in its eyes. 'Who are they?' 'I do not know?' said Calvin. They soon took the sticks which they had sharpened and sat in the eyes of the monster. When it started moving around and going crazy, they quickly ran all the way down and sat a huge amount of salt under its tentacles. 'Where the fuck did they get all that salt?' 'I... do... not... know!.' said Calvin. As soon as the creature fell, they jumped on it and I'm two seconds it exploded. That was disgusting because all the ink and gew were on them. 'Content que nous ayons pu vous aider les gars.' 'The fuck?' 'Don't be rude, they are speaking french, my second favorite language.' 'What's your first, English?' 'Yes.' 'Oh, okay.' 'They said, they were glad they could help us.' 'Cool.' 'Nos noms sont Alex et Alexandra.' 'Merci, nos noms sont Calvin, Carson, Gordon, Steve et Alice.' 'Wow, so you guys are going to talk Spanish the whole freaking hour.' 'Not Spanish, French.' 'Ask them if they have a home, oh, and food .' 'Urgh fine, Avez-vous de la nourriture et quelque chose pour nous à manger?' 'Oui, suivez-nous.' 'So, what they say?' 'They said yes, we should follow them.' 'Cool, okay guys were movin'.' said Calvin.
When they arrived, they were shocked, these twins were weird. Compared to the other houses they've been through, this one was a usual house you'd live in. 'Hey ask them if we can go inside.' 'Sure you can.' said the twins. 'Nah, y'all be doing them bullshit.' 'Calvin, mind your language.' 'We speak French so it can be easy to see who can we trust.' 'Oh, cool.' 'Please come in, we would love to talk to you.' 'Sure, thanks.' Said Calvin.
'So, why are you guys here?' 'We are trying to get to Madagascar than to Australia.' 'You do know there is a quicker way right?' 'No!' yelled Alice. 'What do you mean no?' 'There's a reason why I wanted you guys to go to South Africa then fly straight to Australia.' 'Why?' 'Well, what I think your friend is trying to say is, the next shortcut to Australia is... Death Island.' 'Wow, another island.' 'Yep, but this one is worse than any other one.' 'Even extinct island.' 'Yep.' 'I'm going.' 'Of course, you are, this is the reason why I didn't tell you.' 'You don't understand Alice, I have to get there today or else, my whole school is dead.' 'Woah, that's cold bruh.' 'I know.' 'Well, we're coming with you.' 'No, you're not, you guys are going to die.' 'You said that with extinct island, but here we are.' 'This is one is serious.' 'I'm sorry Alice, but we have to go.' 'Fine, I'll be waiting for your arrival back.' 'Yeah sure, let's go guys.' said Calvin as they left.
As they got to the gates, they heard almost everything screaming. 'Uh... You know what, I'm staying.' 'No you're not, do it for Kanin, Gordon.' 'I don't wanna die.' 'You won't, let's go.' said Calvin. They were halfway through the forest when something groaned. 'Who was that?' 'I wanna go back.' 'It might of just been my stomach.' 'I'm pretty sure it wasn't, guy's you're gonna wanna take a look at this.' 'What, oh-my-gosh!' said Calvin in shock.
In front of them stood a monster with claws on its face, connected to the ground.
'Holy shit!' Said Carson. As soon the creature roared and started chasing them, they began to run. While they were running, Gordon couldn't stop complaining since he was at the back. The creature picked up it's pace as it was halfway and they soon saw the gates. 'Come on guys, we're halfway there.' said Alex. As soon as they reached the gate, the creature got furious and jumped as it caught Gordon by his t-shirt. 'Gordon, no!' yelled Steve. 'Close the gates.' 'What?, Are you insane?' 'What?' 'Gordon is still there.' 'So.' 'We have to save him.' 'Nope, the island has him now.' 'Well, I'm not leaving him behind.' said Steve as he ran to Gordon. 'Gordon, grab my hand.' yelled Steve. As they held each other's hand, the creature saw them and was ready to Grab Steve. Before it could grab Steve, Carson came running as he threw one of the twin's sharp sticks onto the creature's hand. 'Roaghhhhh!' it roared at it let Gordon go. They quickly ran and when they were halfway, they saw the creature start to catch up again and made a jump for it. When they made it in, they quickly closed the gates and sighed with relief.
'That was terrifying.' 'You can tell me about it.' 'I told you so.' 'Yeah you were right, but I still have to go, there has to be another way.' 'I'm sorry Calvin, but that was the only way.' 'What am I going to do, if I don't leave now, the whole school will perish.' sobbed Calvin. 'We're really sorry.' 'You apologizing helps with nothing, I need to get there, there has to be another way.' 'Actually, there is.' 'What, please tell me.' 'Well, there's this plan across the extinct island that can get you there in 30 Minutes.' 'Really, what are we waiting for?' 'Although to walk there, it will take us about 6-10 hours.' 'Come on, there has to be another way.' 'There is, but unless you don't want to blurt out your secrets, that is the only way.' 'What are you talking about?' 'You see, to why there in fifteen minutes, you'll have to go through the spirits of secrets.' 'Yet I ask myself if there are creatures like this, why haven't they taken over the world.' 'Wow, that's a good scenario.' 'Hey, is that really all that happens.' 'Yes, you just blurt out the deepest secret of yourself that will hurt the people you love, if you don't have one, you'll be able to pass through.' 'Cool, let's do it.' 'I-I don't know.' 'Why Carson, are you hiding something?' 'Me?, no, never.' 'Then let's go.' 'Sure.' said Carson as he felt like crying.
While they were walking, they started to feel nervous. 'Remember guys, we have to say the secret so we can save Harrison.' 'Okay.' they all said. As they entered, the forest had already sucked Carson, Calvin, Gordon and Alexandra, while Alice, Steve and Alex walked through the forest. Soon the ground started to shake, as a weird head popped out of the ground. 'Greetings Mortal.' 'As I said, how does the world not know about this?' "You are standing in quicksand which will absorb you if you don't tell the deepest secret you have to hurt others." 'There must be a mistake, I don't have any secrets.' claimed Alexandra. "I'm sorry Mortal, but the forest never lies, you have 10 minutes to tell you're your deepest secret, or else you'll be sucked in, time starts now, Alex you go FIRST!" 'Urgh, fine, my deepest secret is that I hate gays.' "Seems that's not your secret as you are halfway in.' 'That's my secret I'm telling.' "Alexandra, if you don't tell us your deepest secret, you'll die." 'Please, that's the secret.' "You're almost in." 'Fine!, My deepest secret is that I had sex with brother.' 'That is your deepest secret, you can now walk by." Said the head. "Now it's Calvin, time starts now." 'I'm bisexual.' "That is not your secret." 'It is.' "No, you are hiding something very discreet." 'That is my secret, okay, let me go.' "You're almost in, dude." 'Fine, I slept with my brother, that's why I disliked him because... I liked it and I don't know why.' said Calvin with frustration. "That is your secret, you may leave." "Up next, is Gordon, time starts now." 'I slept with a teacher once, it was a woman.' "That is your secret, Well don't Gordon." 'Thanks.' said Gordon as he left.
It all came down to Carson, of course, the secret which he was going to tell was going to shatter Calvin. "Mmm... I see we have someone who's hiding the deepest secret of them all." 'Please, don't wanna do this.' "Too late, you came on this island and you're going to tell, Carson, time starts now." 'Uhh... I killed someone.' "I'm afraid that is not a secret." 'Uhh, I can't say it, please.' "You're wasting time Carson, either you tell or DIE!" 'I can't, it's gonna ruin ma life.' "Almost there, Carson." Said the head. Carson knew he had to say it, so he went ahead and broke the relationship he had with Calvin. 'Okay, I'm sorry Calvin, I slept with Steve.' 'That is the secret you are free to go." Said the head. When Carson arrived and tried to apologize, Calvin just stormed off.
When they arrived at the plane, the twins wished them a safe trip and goodbye. 'It was very nice meeting you guys.' 'It was our pleasure.' 'Au revoir Carson.' 'Au revoir Les gars, j'espère vous voir bientôt.' said Carson as he waved then goodbye. While they flying, the silence between Carson and Calvin grew strong, until Carson manned up. 'You know you can't be upset with me right.' said Carson but no response. 'I don't know why you're acting like this, but I can't be with your attitude, I'm jumping.' 'Are you insane?' 'I am since he won't even talk to me.' said Carson as he opened the door. 'Freaking hell, Calvin just forgive him, it's my fault.' said Steve but no response. As Carson took a step forward, he accidentally made the helicopter turn in his direction and he slipped and fell, holding onto the dear life of the pole. 'Please help me.' 'I'll save you.' 'No, I want Calvin to save.' 'He won't, let me do it.' 'If you do, I'll let go.' 'Urgh, fine!' 'Calvin please help me, or else I'll let go.' Carson shouted but no response. Carson was pissed, so he let go, and just before his other hand left at a distance, Calvin quickly caught him a pulled him up. 'Ha, thanks Calvin.' said Carson but no response. 'Okay, I'm jumping again.' 'Are you that obsessed with me?' 'Of course, I love you Calvin, and I can't lose you or have you hate me.' 'Oh really, pfft.' 'I'm serious, I only slept with Steve because of stress, he was like a sex toy to me.' 'I know you didn't like it, I'm just upset that you didn't tell me earlier.' 'I-I'm sorry Calvin, I'll always be honest, I promise.' 'Thanks, hey, I see the location.' 'We're going in for a landing.' 'Watch out!' yelled Steve as Gordon hit one of the wings off. 'We have to jump!' 'Now!' yelled Calvin, as they made a jump for it.
They landed in the ocean, and when Calvin turned to look around, there it was, the warehouse where Sierra had been. They ran very quickly as their lives depended on it, but in this case, Harrison's college depends on it. When they got there, it was locked and a letter had been left there. 'What is it?' asked Carson. 'A letter, for me, from Sierra.' 'What are you waiting for, read it.' said Gordon.
"Dear Calvin,
Well done, you actually made it all the way to Australia. I thought you would've died with your friends on the extinct island, but you proved me wrong. You see Calvin, I'm not stupid, I won't just sacrifice myself to you just like that, I have to wait for a day that will shatter you and will make it easy to kill you. Don't worry, I won't explode Harrison College, maybe.
I know now, you feel upset, that you guys fought monsters and creatures, lost of your homeboys and the people you loved, right now, I couldn't care less. I will meet you in 2 days, that is where I will tell you why I want to kill you, It's almost the end, Calvin. You better be prepared for what's coming your way.
By the way, duck.
'Hey, why did she say duck.' asked Carson. When Calvin turned and checked, he saw a person aiming an arrow at his forehead. As the person shot the arrows, he ducked, but unfortunately, Alice was behind him and the arrows hit her. 'Oh-My-gosh' yelled Calvin as he carried Alice. When they got to a safe environment, Calvin started to cry, for Alice was losing a lot of blood. 'You guys have been the best boys I could ever ask for, I-I only w-wish you o-one thing, knock em' dead.' said Alice as her soul left her body. They all couldn't stop sobbing, the past 3 days were amazing with her and they will never forget her.
'It's all my fault, Benjamin and Gordon were right, I create havoc everywhere I go, I just wanna commit suicide right now, right here.'
'Stop it, you are not the cause Calvin, it's just people who hate you, they affect those around you.'
'We should just go back, there's nothing we can do.'
'I'll go get the gas for the plane, y'all can wait for me so long.'
'Sure thing, let's go.' said Carson.
As they got on the plane and took off, It was tough without Alice, and knowing that the adventure wasn't successful, Calvin didn't stop weeping. When they arrived, they caught and cab and it dropped them at their places, where it came down to Carson and Calvin. 'How are you holding up buddy?' 'Something, I feel like I can take drugs right now.' 'Calvin, you need to stop suppressing your anger on yourself, you did nothing wrong.' 'I know, but it feels like I did, everyone around always suffers but... You.' 'What are you talking about?' 'Carson, whenever I'm with you, nothing bad happens, you're always next to me, but you never got hurt or died, your immune to what happens around me.' 'I guess.' said Carson as Calvin hugged him.
As Calvin was dropped, he got on in the house and his mom looked furious. 'Where the hell have you been?' 'On an adventure.' 'Sweetie, I don't want lies.' 'I'm serious, I went to different kinds of places, you know what, it doesn't matter, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep.' 'Urgh, we'll talk about it in the morning.' 'Cool.' said Calvin.
While Calvin was sleeping, he kept on wondering who was in his dream next to Sierra. He gave it thought and finally wondered if there was a connection between Harrison and his family, and thanks to a text message, he was going to find out.
"Dear Harrisons'
Tomorrow there will be no school, for you are going to learn the History Of Harrison College. Hope to see you there.