Chereads / Lord Of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 301 - Chapter 218: Seal

Chapter 301 - Chapter 218: Seal

Looking at the head on the ground, Adryan simply pulled out some bandages and started wrapping the pirate's head as if it were a mummy.

'Next time I'll start carrying a few bags with me...' The red-haired man thought tying the bandage.

That done and pulling out another goatskin parchment, he wrote several letters.

With the letters finished, he folded them in half and placed one on Qilangos' bandaged head.

That done, he clasped his hands together and gilded Ancient Hermes.

"The Fool that doesn't belong to this era;

The Mysterious Ruler above the gray fog;

The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck..."

"Mr. Fool, the hunt for Qilangos has been completed please let the Hanged Man know that I will be sending him something by my messenger..."


Klein rubbed his forehead trying to relieve his headache. He hadn't been sleeping well these past few days and it showed in the slight dark circles under his eyes.

'I need an aspirin...' Klein thought, cursing inwardly.

Before he could continue his thoughts, a sudden hand on his shoulder startled him.

Controlling his face to hide his discomfort, he looked over his shoulder at a smiling Leonard Mitchell.

"My dear friend, you need to try to get some sleep. You know what? As your best friend, I'll cover for you for a while while you take a nap on the couch!"

'That's a great offer but no thanks. The last thing I want is to be asleep when it all goes to shit.' Klein responded in his mind with a sigh, but on the outside, he controlled his face to smile at the poet.

"Don't worry Leonard I'm fine. Besides we only have two more hours before we change shifts." 

Seeing that he was rebuffed, the poet let out a disappointed sigh as he patted his friend's shoulder again.

"I wish I was as diligent as you."

'I don't want to be diligent...' Klein replied internally again but then he began to hear distant whispers.

'Is someone praying to me? It's a male voice... it must be important.' 

Rising from his seat, Klein looked at the poet who looked at him curiously.

"Excuse me but I have to go to the bathroom." That said he didn't wait for an answer and went with a slightly hurried pace to the bathroom.

"Ah. Sure, go." Leonard responded a little surprised by that but didn't think much of it.

'It must be because of all the coffee he drinks...' The poet thought and couldn't help but let out a chuckle.


Locking the bathroom door, Klein activated his spiritual vision and looked around the bathroom.

Finding nothing, he quickly pulled out a small silver knife and made a wall of spirituality.

Taking the steps with the incantations, he found himself in the world above the gray fog.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the piercing crimson flame.

Anxiety grew in his heart and Klein quickly sent spirituality into the flame and lowered his head to avoid looking at the man.

Had Mr. Chariot discovered something worse? Perhaps someone else was sent? Maybe the ritual was accelerated and will happen tomorrow? Maybe...

Any thought Klein had was cut off when he heard what Chariot had said.

"Mr. Fool, the hunt for Qilangos has been completed please let the Hanged Man know that I will be sending him something by my messenger..." 

Letting out a very long sigh of relief, Klein sank back in his chair and looked up at the sky in exhaustion.

"If I didn't have high blood pressure now I do... Sorry for judging you so much Professor..." Klein lamented then sighed and replied to the message.

" Alright..." 

He wasn't at all impressed that Chariot had already finished the Hanged Man mission, if anything he was a little surprised that it had taken him so long.

'I had bet that he would have hunted him down by Thursday of last week...' Klein added in his heart as he passed the message to Hanged Man and an edited version to Miss Justice.


"'Alright...'" Seeing how the illusion had vanished, Adryan just nodded.

 Pulling the black bell out of his jacket, sending out some spirituality, Adryan shook his hand.

Invisible ripples moved through the air to the spirit world.

Adryan had barely finished putting the bell away in his jacket when the bone gate began to form.

As the skull of the giant bird embedded itself in the door, it opened and Chicho stepped out looking curiously at the red-haired man.

"How are you doing Chicho? You'll have to deliver a few letters along with a small package. One of them will be to the house from last time, the other will be for Sasha, and the last one you will deliver it along with the package for the blue-haired man from a few weeks ago. Will you be able to do it?" Adryan asked in Elvish showing Chicho the letters along with the small 'package'.

Chicho nodded stiffly as she always did.

"It won't be a problem..." She replied in her strong accent and soft voice as she held out her hand, the letters were sucked through the door along with the package.

Chicho then returned her attention to the redhead and stared at him with her gray eyes.

Adryan smiled at her and pulled out three somewhat crushed chocolate bars from his jacket.

Seeing this, the redhead blushed a little.

"Sorry about this Chicho. I promise I'll give you your favorite next time to make it up to you." 

The giant woman's eyes lit up and she nodded with some more energy.

"It's a promise..." She said grabbing the chocolate bars, she opened one and began to calmly eat it.

Strangely, she still didn't walk in the door like she always did after receiving the chocolate.

Raising an eyebrow at this, Adryan expressed his doubt.

"Chicho, is something wrong?" 

The giant woman nodded and, without stopping eating, pointed with her free hand at Adryan's left hand.

"Would you like me to seal the glove?"

Adryan's eyes widened in shock and he looked dumbfounded at Chicho.

"Can you seal Creeping Hunger?" 

The woman nodded simply, still eating her chocolate.

"It's simple."

Adryan was taken by surprise but after a few seconds of thought, he nodded.

"What do you want in return?" 

"Two bars of white chocolate with caramel" Chicho answered calmly starting to eat the second bar but her grey eyes were shining and her tone sounded more excited.

'Just that?" Adryan thought surprised but after a few seconds, he nodded.

"Deal Chicho." 

The woman's eyes shone even brighter they now looked like pearls and her eyes widened slightly.

"Hold out your hand." 

"No need to take off the glove?" 

Chicho shook her head.

Nodding, Adryan extended his left hand towards the giant woman.

Staring at the glove, deep in Chicho's gray eyes, illusory doors of indescribable colors were stacked one on top of the other. 

Almost at the same time she placed her hand over the red-haired man's and touched the glove with one finger.

On the surface where she had touched it, a symbol appeared: a strange white bird with its wings retracted and covering its chest.

What kind of symbol is that?' Adryan thought in confusion.

But the symbol was only visible for a few seconds before it disappeared.

Chicho nodded to his work and retracted his hand.

"Now it only has to eat once a month." She responded by turning around and walking in the door.

Adryan's eyes widened in astonishment at this. Before he could speak, the door closed and Chicho was gone.

Looking at the spot where the door was, Adryan lowered his eyes to the now-sealed Creeping Hunger, still in disbelief.

'Mr. Azik had only been able to seal it so that it would eat human flesh and soul after being used...' the red-haired man thought still very dazed.

Looking up to where the door had been, Adryan didn't understand what this could mean.

'Chicho is weaker than Mr. Azik... right?' the redhead thought, suddenly feeling as if the answer wasn't what he thought it was.


Somewhere in the Sonia Sea.

Alger Wilson was looking out at the sea from the window of his cabin on the Blue Avenger. A book and a fountain pen in his hands.

He was now exploring routes he had never explored before and documenting them in his journal.

This was one of the rules he had discovered about how to act as a Seafarer.

'Explore the sea and document your explorations...' The blue-haired man thought as he wrote in his notebook.

His men were outside working on clearing the deck. Blue Avenger being a ghost ship didn't need as much maintenance and could operate almost on its own.


Suddenly an icy wind rushed up his neck but the man was not alarmed, he activated his spiritual vision and saw the bone door form, and out of it came the giant woman.

The woman stared at him for a few seconds before reaching into the door and pulling out a small package with a letter attached to it.

The giantess when she placed the package, wasted no time and slipped in the door and left.

Alger blinked a couple of times as he saw what the woman had placed on his desk.

It took a few seconds for him to understand what it was but when he did a shiver went up his body and he rose from his chair in shock.

Swallowing his saliva, the man grabbed the letter that was taped to it and read it.

*Good afternoon or evening, Mr. Hanged Man*

I'm sorry it's so sudden, but the first mission of the Tarot Club has been completed.

The item that came with this letter, as you should have guessed by now, is the head of Qilangos. This should be enough to claim the reward.

I recommend that you claim it quickly and that you don't claim it personally, nor claim it at any Loen Kingdom-affiliated location.

Let's say I did a small number and it would be very suspicious for you to claim it.

That's why I recommend that you do it at an Intis or Feysac.

I will wait for my part in the next few days.

Love, your one and only. Mr. Chariot🖤*.


Reading the last part, Alger's eyebrow twitched hard.

'What did you do now Mr. Chariot?' Alger thought recovering as he looked at the 'package'.

With one hand, Alger slowly removed the bandages.

Seeing the expression of terror and pain on the burned and badly wounded face of his once friend, Alger couldn't help but let out a sad sigh.

Shaking his head, Alger still felt extremely incredulous.

"Is this all that's left of you? Qilangos?" the man mumbled before shaking his head.

Grabbing the head, Alger placed it inside a much larger box he had prepared earlier, because he believed it would be the entire body, and locked it.

Emerging from his cabinet, he commanded his men with a loud and powerful shout.

"Get ready! We're heading for Sonia Island!"