Chereads / Lord Of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 172 - Chapter 91:Sewers

Chapter 172 - Chapter 91:Sewers

Running quickly through the dark, smelly, dirty sewers was the figure of Adryan.

Darkness was no problem for him with his night vision.

His red hair fluttered from the speed with which he moved, his senses were more open than ever, attentive to any possible change that could happen.

From his eyes, ears, nose and mouth there were traces of dried blood, his face was also slightly burned, the same burned as when one went out into the sun on the beach without sunscreen.

'That was stupid why the fuck I didn't think a Wraith was hiding in the shards of glass?' Adryan thought annoyed with himself as he hurried to a corner.

Slightly bending his knees he lowered his center of gravity and made a sharp turn without losing much speed.

'The sewers are the safest place because there are no reflective surfaces here so Steve won't be able to use Wraith Blink to surprise me!' but despite knowing that, the redhead did not let his guard down in the slightest.

Steve may not be able to 'move' using the reflective objects but that doesn't mean he couldn't go through any wall to get to him!!

'What the fuck was Steve doing there? Just for some shitty documents? What the fuck did they have written on them?' Adryan thought furiously but suddenly frowned and put a hand to his right shoulder that he had bandaged earlier.

His shoulder was cold...

Knowing what that could mean, Adryan cursed under his breath as he stopped.

Taking off his leather jacket that was somewhat melted and tearing up his shirt, he looked at his shoulder, it had a hole in it.

He could see that no blood was coming out but the edges of it were slightly frozen by an almost transparent ice and it was slowly spreading through it.

He didn't startle at this sight but just grunted as he knelt next to his jacket and pulled out a first aid kit.

Holding the kit in his left hand, he sat down on the dirty floor of the sewer.

Placing the kit on his lap, he used his left hand and removed Tauk Millennium and placed the medal against his wound.

Passing spirituality to the medal Adryan counted 5 seconds and then opened his mouth.

"Sun" he whispered in Ancient Hermes in a low voice and a decent amount of Sun Holy Water formed and fell on his wound.

"Fuck that hurts..." the redhead growled as he used his left hand and spread the water on his wound.

When the water came into contact with the ice, it melted, releasing white smoke and the wound began to bleed.

After cleaning the wound, he wasted no time, but opening the kit, he took out the needle and thread, which were already ready.

He began to stitch the wound while occasionally frowning.

Sewing the back was the most annoying but he was able to sew up his wound closing the hole in his shoulder.

He grabbed a small jar from the kit and opening it the smell of herbs reached his nose.

Inside the jar was an ointment made from herbs that he had collected.

The Hunter's potion had not only given him the knowledge on making traps but also gave him the knowledge of which plants and how to use them to treat various injuries!

He placed the ointment on two gauze pads and placing them on both ends of the wound he grabbed some new bandages and bandaged his shoulder.

With that done he moved his right arm slightly and the only thing he felt was a slight discomfort which made him sigh in relief.

The spear hadn't hit anything important...

Wasting no more time he grabbed his jacket and put it back on,he ran again to get away from where he was as fast as he could.

And in all that, he put Tauk Millennium back around his neck.


After running at top speed for a long time Adryan noticed a problem that caused him to stop.

He had already removed the Burnt Band from his left arm a while back because the True Creator's rap was getting too loud for him.

"I'm lost..." the redhead muttered in surprise as he looked around.

He was supposed to find another sewer entrance after all the turns he'd made but he hadn't found anything.

Remembering a certain negative effect, Adryan just sighed in defeat as he took Hangover Time out of his pocket and looked at it.

"My sense of direction is distorted..." he said as he looked at the beautiful pocket watch.

The negative effect of Hangover Time is that every time it is used it will distort something completely random on the user.

Whether it's sexuality, tastes or in Adryan's case his sense of direction.

While looking at the pocket watch Adryan felt his back wet which made his eyes widen in surprise.

Touching his neck and forehead he also felt them wet, this made an awkward smile form on his face as an annoying possibility appeared in his mind.

Opening the pocket watch and seeing that its hands marked XI Adryan couldn't help but sigh in defeat.

"I used it twice and the negative effect stacks with the previous one so my sense of time is also distorted"

The fight with Steve and that woman had happened around 8:00 p.m. and it had been short.

He had been running for 3 hours straight.....

If in all that time he hadn't received any surprise attack, it meant that Steve lost him or that he didn't follow him, which made the redhead sigh somewhat relieved.

Looking around he just sighed again in defeat and sat where he was.

"3 hours have passed so there are another 3 hours until the negative effect wears off..." he said calmly.

"I'd better sit down and wait for the negative effects to wear off before I get even more lost in the sewers." the redhead muttered as he looked at the walls of the aforementioned ones.

Thanks to Klein's story he knows that the creation of the sewers and the toilet is thanks to Roselle.

When he transmigrated to Roselle around the year 1143 they did not exist and people dumped their waste on the streets just like people in the middle ages.

Roselle being someone from the modern world didn't tolerate this so he 'invented' the toilet and sewers to fix that.

In this way several health problems were solved.

Although the sewers took a little longer to reach the Loen Kingdom, they did eventually arrive.

'Thank you Roselle for that I can't imagine what it would be like to live around so much shit' Adryan thought somewhat disgusted but then he let out a laugh full of irony.

"I'm saying I'd hate to live around such crap but here I am sitting in a filthy sewer" he said as he shook his head.

"Although the smell here is not as bad as in the East Borough..."

Looking around and being tired of sitting he just got up while brushing off his pants.

"Maybe it's better to try to find a way out after all my sense of time is distorted so it might only be a few minutes in my perception" Adryan said but suddenly he felt a gaze on him so quickly forming a Fire Spear he aimed it at where the gaze was coming from.

A rat was looking at him from the bottom of the sewer where he had come from, this rat had black fur and red eyes it was standing on its two legs,this made him sigh annoyed.

The Fire Spear vanished and the sewer returned to its darkness.

"It was just you little shit" he said annoyed to the rat that only looked at him with its small eyes that seemed indignant and annoyed.

'I don't have time for this' the redhead thought annoyed as he turned around,and began to walk with the intention of trying to find a way out.

Suddenly when he took the fifth step his walk stopped and he had a lost expression as he raised a hand to his head.

"What was I going to do?" The redhead said confused while next to his feet was the rat from before looking at him with what seemed to be amusement and arrogance.

Suddenly, a strange worm came out of the body of this rat, and when this worm completely came out of the rat, it fell dead.

This strange worm had about 8 circles on its body like rings, the transparent rings had many three-dimensional patterns as if time were swirling through them.

This worm climbed up Adryan's boot and when it reached the redhead's calf it entered his body like a ghost without leaving any wound.

All this happened without Adryan noticing, the redhead was still confused and just shook his head as he sat down on the ground again.

"I better sit a while longer"he mumbled tired as he rested his back against the wall and fell asleep.